حیدرآباد میں غیر مسلموں کی اردو کے لیےخدمات

حیدرآباد میں غیر مسلموں کی اردو کے لیےخدمات

رشید الدین | حیدرآباد دکن 

اردو ہندوستانیوں کی پسندیدہ زبان ہے ۔ ہندوستان کے پہلے وزیراعظم پنڈت جواہر لال نہرو اردو کے پرستاروں میں سے تھے ۔ اردو ادبا اور شعراء کی فہرست کا جائزہ لیں تو ان میں بلا تفریق مذہب و ملت سارے ابنائے وطن کے نام نظر آتے ہیں۔اردو زبان کا وجود ہندوستان میں ہوا ۔ ہندوستانیوں نے اس زبان کی ترقی میں موثر رول ادا کیا ۔ اس زبان کی شیرینی اور لطافت کے نہ صرف ابنائے وطن بلکہ مستشرقین بھی دل و جان سے قائل رہے ۔ چنانچہ مشہور فرانسیسی مستشرق گارساں دتاسی نے اردو کے مشہور شاعر ولی اورنگ آبادی کو اردو کا باوا آدم قرار دیا اور ان کے دیوان کو فرانس میں زیور طبع سے آراستہ کرکے منظر عام پر لایا ۔
حیدرآباد میں اردو ادب کے منظر نامے میں بہت سے غیر مسلم حضرات کے نام نمایاں نظر آتے ہیں ۔ اردو کی وجہ سے جو تہذیب پروان چڑھی اس کو گنگا جمنی تہذیب کہتے ہیں ۔
ان حضرات میں ایک اہم نام دامودر ذکی کا ہے ۔ انہوں نے نہ صرف اردو شاعری کی مختلف اصناف میں اپنے جوہر دکھائے بلکہ نعت شریف بھی اتنا ڈوب کر لکھتے تھے کہ عبدالماجد دریابادی جیسی شخصیت نے ان کے اور رگھویندر راؤ ، جذب عالم پوری کے تعلق سے کہا تھا کہ وہ کس منہ سے ان حضرات کو غیر مسلم شعراء کہہ سکتے ہیں ۔ ذکی کو میلاد النبیؐ کے جلسوں میں بھی مدعو کیا جاتا تھا ۔ میلاد النبیؐ کے ایک جلسہ میں وہ اپنا نعتیہ کلام سنارہے تھے ۔ ان کے اس شعر پر سامعین پر وجدانی کیفیت طاری ہوگئی اور آنکھیں نمناک ہوگئی تھیں ۔

قیامت میں محمدؐ کا سہارا ڈھونڈھنے والے 
سنا بھی زندگی میں تو نے فرمایا محمدؐ کا

ایسے ہی قلمکاروں میں ایک ہستی رائے جانکی پرشاد کی بھی تھی ۔ اردو میں اعلی قابلیت کی وجہ وہ دارالترجمہ سے وابستہ ہوگئے تھے ۔
قیام جامعہ عثمانیہ کے بعد اردو کو علمی درجہ تک پہنچانے کے لئے دارالترجمہ قائم کیا گیا تھا جہاں اردو کے بلند قامت ادبا اور شعراء کی خدمات حاصل کی گئی تھیں جن میں جوش ملیح آبادی ، علامہ عبداللہ عمادی اور بابائے اردو جیسی عظیم المرتبت شخصیتیں شامل تھیں ۔ رائے جانکی پرشاد نے ایسی بلند قامت شخصیتوں کے ساتھ مل کر اس مقصد کو پورا کیا اور علمی اصطلاحات کی تدوین  فرمائی ۔  
رائے جانکی پرشاد ہندو مسلم تہذیب کی نمائندہ شخصیت تھے ۔ ان کا لباس ٹوپی، شیروانی اور پاجامہ ہوا کرتا تھا ۔ وہ وظیفہ حسنِ خدمت پر علحدگی کے بعد مختلف سماجی اداروں سے وابستہ ہوئے اور ان کی رہنمائی کی ۔ وہ بڑے صاحب الرائے شخصیت کے حامل تھے ۔ حامد نواز جنگ نے جو لاولد تھے انہی  کے مشورے پر اپنے گراں قدر سرمائے سے ایک ٹرسٹ قائم کیا جس سے فنی تعلیم حاصل کرنے والے مسلم طلباء کو وظائف جاری کئے جاتے تھے ۔ رائے جانکی پرشاد اس ٹرسٹ کے واحد غیر مسلم ٹرسٹی تھے۔
نواب مہدی نواز جنگ جو اس وقت وزیر طبابت تھے،  انہوں نے رائے جانکی پرشاد کے مشورے پر ہی کینسر ہاسپٹل قائم کیا ۔ اردو ہال کا قیام بھی موصوف کے گراں قدر مشوروں کا حاصل ہے ۔ ان ساری گوناگوں مصروفیات کے باوجود انہوں نے تصنیف و تالیف کا کام بھی جاری رکھا ۔ ان کی تصانیف ’’عصر جدید‘‘ ’’ترجمہ کا فن‘‘ اور ’’انگریزی اردو ڈکشنری‘‘ اردو ادب میں ہمیشہ یاد رکھے جائیں گے ۔
تخلیق کار اپنی تخلیق ، محقق اپنی تحقیق اور نقاد اپنی تنقید سے ادب کے گیسو سنوارنے میں مصروف رہتے ہیں ۔ باگاریڈی نے اردو بولنے والوں کے حقوق کا تحفظ کرتے ہوئے اردو کی گراں قدر خدمت انجام دی ۔ راقم کا آندھرا کی تشکیل کے بعد پہلے سب انسپکٹر پولیس بیاچ 1958ء سے تعلق رہا ہے ۔ شرائط ملازمت کے اعتبار سے تین سال کے عرصہ میں اس بیاچ والوں کو تھرڈ کلاس تلگو زبان دانی کا امتحان پاس کرنا ضروری تھا ۔ 1959ء میں ٹریننگ کے کامیاب اختتام پر راقم کو نظام آباد پر تعینات کیا گیا تھا ۔ اس کے بعد تین سال تک پبلک سروس کمیشن نے مطلوبہ زبان دانی کا امتحان ہی منعقد نہیں کیا ۔ شرائط ملازمت کے تحت راقم ، سری دھر راؤ اور محمد علی خاں کو ملازمت سے ہٹادیا گیا ۔ باگاریڈی نے بحیثیت صدر انجمن تحفظ اردو ہمارے کیس کو اس وقت کے چیف منسٹر جناب نیلم سنجیواریڈی صاحب سے رجوع کیا اور ان کی کامیاب نمائندگی سے تین مہینے میں ہم لوگوں کی بحالی عمل میں آئی۔
باگاریڈی جامعہ عثمانیہ کے فارغ التحصیل تھے ۔ وہ ضلع پریشد میدک کے صدر نشین رہ چکے ہیں ۔ انہوں نے ظہیر آباد میں ایک ادبی انجمن ’’بزم سخن‘‘ قائم کی تھی ۔ انہوں نے اردو اکیڈیمی آندھرا پردیش کے صدر کی حیثیت سے بھی نمایاں خدمات انجام دیں ۔ انھوں نے اردو ویلفیر فنڈ قائم کیا تھا جس سے مستحق اور ضرورت مند قلم کاروں کی مدد کی جاتی تھی ۔ ان کے مضامین کا ایک مجموعہ ’’شمع ہر رنگ میں جلتی ہے‘‘ اور دوسری کتاب ’’تلگو زبان اور ادب‘‘ اور تیسری کتاب ’’آندھرا پردیش‘’ ان کی یادگار ادبی تصانیف ہیں ۔
بھارت چند کھنہ ملک کے ممتاز مزاح نگار کی حیثیت سے پہچانے جاتے ہیں ۔ انہوں نے جامعہ عثمانیہ سے ایم اے کیا ۔ وہ انجمن زندہ دلان حیدرآباد کے بانی رہے ۔ انہوں نے 1966ء میں زندہ دلان حیدرآباد کی پہلی کل ہند کانفرنس کے انعقاد کا اہتمام کیا تھا ۔ ان کے ظریفانہ مضامین حیدرآباد کے موقر روزنامہ سیاست میں شائع ہوا کرتے تھے ۔ ان کے طنزیہ مضامین کا مجموعہ ’’تیر نیم کش‘‘ اور ان کی مشہور مزاحیہ کتاب ’’ذرا مسکراؤ‘‘ شائع ہوچکی ہے ۔ انہوں نے راج بھون میں گورنر کے سکریٹری کے فرائض بھی انجام دئے ۔ اس زمانہ میں سکریٹریٹ کی اردو اسوسی ایشن قائم ہوئی جس کے وہ پہلے صدر تھے ۔
کنول پرشاد کنول ، اردو اور ہندی کے ممتاز شاعر تھے ۔ وہ مشاعروں میں اپنا کلام مخصوص ترنم کے ساتھ سناتے اور کبھی تحت اللفظ بھی سنایا کرتے تھے ۔ انہوں نے لال قلعہ میں منعقد ہونے والے مشاعروں میں بھی اپنا کلام سنایا ۔ اسسٹنٹ ڈائرکٹر محکمہ اطلاعات کی حیثیت سے کام کرتے ہوئے انہوں نے اردو کی بڑی خدمت انجام دی ۔ ان کی ابتدائی دور کی شاعری کی ایک نظم ’’مجھ سے میرا نام نہ پوچھو‘‘ کافی مقبول ہوئی ۔ اردو شاعری کی مختلف اصناف میں طبع آزمائی کی ۔ ان کا نعتیہ کلام بھی سند مقبولیت حاصل کرچکا ہے ۔ کڑپہ میں منعقدہ ایک مشاعرہ میں ان کی نعت شریف حاصل مشاعرہ رہی ۔ ان کے تعلقات نہ صرف ہندوستانی شعراء سے تھے بلکہ پاکستانی شعراء سے بھی خاص تعلقات تھے ۔ پاکستان کے ایک مشاعرہ میں ان کو مدعو کیا گیا تھا ۔ اس مشاعرہ میں جو غزل انہوں نے پڑھی تھی اس کے چند اشعار ملاحظہ فرمایئے۔

جسے تم یاد میں اپنی تڑپتا چھوڑ آئے ہو 
تمہاری نذر اس بھولے وطن کا نام لایا ہوں
میں دیکھوں گا کہ اب کن کن سے تم آنکھیں چراؤگے
شب عثمان ساگر صبح باغ عام لایا ہوں
اٹھاؤ اپنی نظریں پی سکو تو ان کو پی جاؤ
بھری آنکھوں میں الفت کے چھلکتے جام لایا ہوں

محبوب نارائن نہ صرف علمی سرگرمیوں میں حصہ لیتے تھے بلکہ سماجی سرگرمیوں میں بھی وہ ہمیشہ پیش پیش رہتے تھے ۔ پرانے شہر میں جب بھی کوئی وبا پھوٹ پڑتی جیسے چیچک ، پلیگ ، ہیضہ وغیرہ تو وہ اپنے ساتھیوں کے ساتھ بڑی سرگرمی سے متاثرین کو دواخانہ پہنچاتے اور مرنے والوں کی نعشوں کو آبادی سے دور لے جا کر سپرد خاک و آگ کردیا کرتے تھے ۔ وہ حیدرآبادی تہذیب کی نمائندہ شخصیت اور اردو کے پرستار تھے ۔ ان کی تحریر کردہ کتاب ’’گزشتہ حیدرآباد‘‘ حیدرآبادی تہذیب کی منہ بولتی تصویر ہے ۔ اسی طرح راج بہادر گوڑ نے ساری زندگی اردو کی خدمت کی جنہوں نے اپنے پیشہ طبابت کو خیرباد کہہ کر اردو کی خدمت انجام دی ۔ ایسے ہی بے شمار شاعروں اور ادیبوں کے نام آج بھی روشن ہیں جنہوں نے اردو شعر و ادب کی خدمت انجام دے کر اس زبان کی لطافت کو نمایاں کیا ۔
ہماری لسانی عسرت اور اس کے اسباب (شاہ نواز فاروقی
پاکستان کی سب سے بڑی معاشی حقیقت یہ ہے کہ ملک کی آبادی کا 80 فیصد خط ِغربت سے نیچے زندگی بسر کررہا ہے۔ پاکستان کی سب سے بڑی لسانی حقیقت یہ ہے کہ ملک کی آبادی کا 80 فیصد ”خط ِغربت ِلسانی“ سے نیچے زندگی گزار رہا ہے۔ لیکن بعض لوگوں کا خیال ہے کہ صورت حال اس سے بھی زیادہ سنگین ہے۔ ملک کو لسانی دہشت گردی کا سامنا ہے۔ ملک کے ممتاز نقاد ڈاکٹر تحسین فراقی نے برادرم رﺅف پاریکھ کے ایک مضمون کے حوالے سے لکھی گئی ایک تحریر میں اس امر پر گہری تشویش ظاہر کی ہے کہ پاکستان کے ذرائع ابلاغ میں انگریزی الفاظ اور رومن رسم الخط کا استعمال ہولناک حد تک بڑھ چکا ہے۔اس سلسلے میں انہوں نے ٹی وی کے پروگراموں کے ناموں کی مثال دی ہے۔ مثلاً کیپٹل ٹاک، کرائسس سیل، اے مارننگ ود فرح، برنچ ود بشریٰ، لائیو ود طلعت، اونسٹلی اسپیکنگ، خواجہ آن لائن، شادی آن لائن، عالم آن لائن۔ڈاکٹر تحسین فراقی نے اشتہاری تختوں میں رومن اور انگریزی کے استعمال کی مثالیں بھی دی ہیں، مثلاً
P i y o  aur Jiyo (پیو اور جیو)، No Sumjhota (نو سمجھوتا)، Thund Programme (ٹھنڈ پروگرام)، Helthy Hoga Pakistan (ہیلدی ہوگا پاکستان)، Sub Keh do (سب کہہ دو) وغیرہ وغیرہ۔
 ڈاکٹر صاحب یہاں صرف مثالیں دے کر نہیں رہ گئی، انہوں نے یہ سوال بھی اٹھایا ہے کہ آخر اس لسانی صورت ِحال کا سبب کیا ہی؟ انہوں نے اندیشہ ظاہر کیا ہے کہ کہیں یہ اردو رسم الخط کو ختم کرکے اس کی جگہ رومن رسم الخط رائج کرنے کی سازش تو نہیں؟ پاکستان کے خلاف اتنی سازشیں ہورہی ہیں کہ ان کا شمار ممکن نہیں، لیکن ہمارا خیال ہے کہ ملک کو جس لسانی صورت ِحال کا سامنا ہے اس کی توجیہہ دلائل کی بنیاد پر ہوسکتی ہے۔ آئیے ان دلائل پر ایک نظر ڈالتے ہیں۔پاکستان کی اشتہاری دنیا کی دو بنیادی حقیقتیں ہیں۔ ایک یہ کہ اس پر مغرب اور بھارت کے اشتہاری کلچر کا گہرا اثر ہی، بالخصوص بھارت کے اشتہاری کلچر کا۔ اس دنیا کی دوسری حقیقت یہ ہے کہ اس میں تخلیق کے بجائے نقل اور ترجمے سے کام چل رہا ہے۔ لیکن ان باتوں کا مفہوم کیا ہی؟ بھارت کی لسانی حقیقت یہ ہے کہ وہاں اگر خالص ہندی یا انگریزی میں اشتہار بنائے جائیں تو ان کا ابلاغ نہیں ہوگا۔ چنانچہ وہ بازار کی ضرورت کے تحت اپنے اشتہارات، فلموں، ٹی وی ڈراموں کے عنوانات اور ان کے مواد کے لیے ایک ایسی زبان استعمال کررہے ہیں جو اردو، ہندی اور انگریزی کا ملغوبہ ہے۔ یہی ملغوبہ پاکستان میں اشتہاری دنیا اور برقی ذرائع ابلاغ کے لیے ”نمونہ“ بن گیا ہی، اس فرق کے ساتھ کہ پاکستان میں ہندی نہیں چل سکتی اس لیے اس ملغوبے میں ہندی موجود نہیں ہوتی۔ اس کے معنی یہ ہوئے کہ ڈاکٹر تحسین فراقی اور بھائی رﺅف پاریکھ نے جس لسانی سانچے پر تشویش ظاہر کی ہے وہ بنیادی طور پر ”بازار کی زبان“ یا جیسا کہ ہمارے معاشرے میں کبھی کہا جاتا تھا ”بازاری زبان“ ہے۔ لیکن ہماری رائے میں اس کے لیے بازار کی زبان کی اصطلاح زیادہ موزوں ہے۔ اس لسانی صورت ِحال کو زیادہ علمی پیرائے میں بیان کرنا ہو تو کہا جائے گا کہ یہ زبان کی عالمگیریت ہی، اور عالمگیریت کے عہد میں بہت سی زبانوں کے ساتھ یہی ہوگا۔ لیکن یہ صورت ِحال کا محض ایک پہلو ہے۔صورت ِحال کا دوسرا پہلو یہ ہے کہ ہماری اشتہاری ایجنسیوں کے تخلیقی شعبوں اور ہمارے ذرائع ابلاغ کے فیصلہ کن مقامات پر انگریزی میڈیم لوگوںکا غلبہ ہے۔ یہ لوگ لسانی سطح پر ہی نہیں نفسیاتی سطح پر بھی زیادہ سے زیادہ انگریزی کے استعمال کی جانب مائل رہتے ہیں۔ اس پہلو سے متصل ایک پہلو یہ بھی ہے کہ اشتہارات اور ذرائع ابلاغ کا بنیادی کام اپنے مواد کو زیادہ پُرکشش بنانا ہے۔ اس کے دو طریقے ہیں، آپ زبان کے تعمیری استعمال کے ذریعے بھی کشش پیدا کرسکتے ہیں اور زبان کی تخریب کے ذریعے بھی لسانی مواد کو باعث ِکشش بنایا جاسکتا ہے۔ بدقسمتی سے ہمارے اشتہاری ادارے اور ذرائع ابلاغ زبان کی تخریب کے ذریعے اسے لوگوںکے لیے قابلِ توجہ بنا رہے ہیں، اور اس کی جو صورت انہیں اپنے لیے قابلِ عمل محسوس ہورہی ہے وہ یہ ہے کہ اردو اور انگریزی کا ملغوبہ تیار کیا جائے۔اس صورت ِحال کا ایک سبب یہ ہے کہ ہمارے معاشرے میں انگریزی اور اس کے حوالے سے رومن رسم الخط علم، تہذیب اور جدیدیت کی علامت سمجھے جاتے ہیں، چنانچہ ان کا استعمال جہاں کہیں بھی ہوتا ہے اسی تناظر میں ہوتا ہے۔ بعض لوگ سمجھتے ہیں کہ انگریزی نام اور انگریزی الفاظ کم لوگوں کی سمجھ میں آتے ہیں، اور یہ بات درست ہی، لیکن جن لوگوں کو انگریزی نام اور انگریزی الفاظ سمجھ میں نہیں آتے وہ ان چیزوں سے اُن لوگوں کی نسبت زیادہ مرعوب ہوتے ہیں جن کو یہ چیزیں سمجھ میں آتی ہیں۔ تفہیم الفاظ، اصطلاحوں اور ناموں کے جادو کو کم کردیتی ہی، لیکن عدم تفہیم اس جادو کو بڑھا دیتی ہے۔ عدم تفہیم کا یہی جادو ہے جو ہمارے ذرائع ابلاغ اور اشتہاری اداروں کے لسانی سانچے کے سر چڑھ کر بول رہا ہے۔وقت آگیا ہے کہ ہم اس حقیقت کا اعتراف کرلیں کہ ایک قوم کی حیثیت سے ہمارا مجموعی لسانی سانچہ سطحیت بلکہ زوال کا شکار ہے۔ ادب میں فیض کی شاعری اس لسانی زوال کی سب سے بڑی مثال تھی۔ بلاشبہ فیض کی شاعری ”نئی“ تھی، رومانوی تھی، انقلابی تھی.... مگر فیض نے شاعری کو اردو شاعری کے علامتی نظام سے الگ کرکے اسے عسرت میں مبتلا کردیا۔ فیض کی تاریخی اہمیت تسلیم.... مگر ان کی شاعری میں معنوی، جذباتی اور نفسیاتی گہرائی نہیں ہے۔ بدقسمتی سے فیض کے مقلدین کے یہاں صورت حال اور بھی تشویش ناک ہوگئی۔ فیض کے سب سے اچھے مقلد احمد فراز ہیں، اور احمد فراز کی شاعری کے بارے میں خیال تھا کہ اردو شاعری اس سے نیچے کیا جائے گی؟ لیکن فرحت عباس شاہ اور وصی شاہ وغیرہ شاعری کی سطح کو فراز کی سطح سے بھی نیچے لے گئی، اور اب ہم ایف ایم ریڈیو کی شاعری کے عہد میں زندہ ہیں جو سرے سے شاعری ہی نہیں ہے۔ ظاہر ہے کہ اگر کسی قوم کے ادب میں معنوی، نفسیاتی، جذباتی اور لسانی گہرائی کا کال پڑ جائے گا تو اس کے ذرائع ابلاغ اور اشتہاری اداروں کی زبان میں جو تباہی محو ِرقص ہوجائی، کم ہے۔معاشرے میں علم و ادب کے زوال نے ایک ایسی صورت ِحال پیدا کردی ہے جس میں ”ابلاغ“ سب سے اہم چیز بن گیا ہے۔ کسی اور کا ذکر کیا، ہم اپنے کالم میں ایک اردو لفظ اور اصطلاح استعمال کرتے ہیں اور سوچتے ہیں کہ کیا قارئین اس کو سمجھ لیں گی؟ معاشرے کی مجموعی علمی و لسانی صورت حال اس کا جو جواب فراہم کرتی ہے وہ یہ ہے کہ شاید قارئین کا ایک حصہ اس لفظ اور اصطلاح کو نہ سمجھ سکی، چنانچہ ہم اس لفظ کا انگریزی متبادل بھی لکھ دیتے ہیں۔ یہ انگریزی کا علمی و لسانی مجبوری کے تحت ہونے والا استعمال ہے۔ ظاہر ہے کہ اشتہاری دنیا اور ٹیلی وژن وغیرہ کا اصل ہدف ابلاغ ہی، شاید اس لیے بھی ان کے لسانی سانچے میں انگریزی الفاظ کا استعمال بڑھ رہا ہے۔یہ ایک ناقابلِ تردید حقیقت ہے کہ زبان کا سیاسی طاقت کے مرکز اور اس کے کھیل سے بھی گہرا تعلق ہے۔ اس بات کا مفہوم یہ ہے کہ جب تک ہمارے حکمران طبقے کی زبان اور لسانی ترجیح نہیں بدلے گی اُس وقت تک وطن عزیز میں زبان کی عسرت بلکہ زبان کی تخریب کا عمل جاری رہے گا۔ بھٹو صاحب سے پہلے قمیص شلوار صرف ”محکموں“ کا لباس تھا۔ مگر بھٹو صاحب نے قمیص شلوار پہن کر اسے حاکموں کے لیے بھی قابل استعمال بنادیا۔ ہمیں زبان کے حوالے سے بھی ایسے کسی تجربے کی ضرورت ہے۔

Grand welcome for King Abdullah

Grand welcome for King Abdullah

Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah is greeted by a large number of people on arrival in Riyadh on Wednesday. (SPA)
Published: Feb 23, 2011 15:04 Updated: Feb 23, 2011 23:57
RIYADH: Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah arrived here Wednesday to a grand welcome after being away from the Kingdom for three months for treatment following a slipped disc.
“I am in good health and hope all Saudi people are fine,” the king said on arrival at the airport.
He was received at King Khaled International Airport by King Hamad bin Isa Al-Khalifa of Bahrain; Crown Prince Sultan, deputy premier and minister of defense and aviation; Prince Naif, second deputy premier and minister of interior; and other senior princes and officials including Riyadh Gov. Prince Salman.
Riyadh was in a festive mood to receive the king who was returning home after a three-month absence to undergo medical treatment abroad. The city was decked up with national flags and massive banners extending a warm welcome to the king. While returning from the airport, the king waved at people who were standing on the streets to welcome him with Saudi flags.
As part of the celebrations to mark the king's return to the Kingdom, the government announced Tuesday that all government departments, ministries, schools and universities will remain closed on Saturday. Bankers said that they have not got any intimation as yet from the Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency about a bank holiday on Saturday.
In appreciation of the unprecedented joy and happiness shown toward his recovery, the king unveiled a series of measures for the benefit of citizens estimated to be worth SR135 billion ($36 billion).
King Abdullah flew in from Casablanca, Morocco, where he had been recuperating following two surgeries at New York Presbyterian Hospital in the United States. The first surgery extracted the clot and corrected the disc while the second was done to stabilize several vertebrae on the spinal cord. He left the hospital on Dec. 21.
In a statement on the occasion, Prince Sultan commended the king's care for citizens. King Abdullah has been following developments within and outside the Kingdom while he was abroad, he said. "The king always inquired about the condition of citizens and issued his directives to meet their requirements and enhance their welfare," the Saudi Press Agency quoted the crown prince as saying.
Speaking about the royal decrees issued by the king on Wednesday, Prince Sultan said it would enhance the welfare and prosperity of Saudi citizens. "The glad tidings of the decrees coincide with our tremendous happiness at the king's safe return," he said.
The crown prince underscored the rapid strides achieved by different sectors under the leadership of King Abdullah. He also noted the king's efforts for the success of Arab and Islamic causes.
King Hamad, who came to Riyadh to greet the Saudi ruler, congratulated the Saudi royal family and people on the king's safe return from abroad after gaining full recovery. He thanked Saudi Arabia for its continuous support to Bahrain.
Popular festivals have been planned in different parts of the Kingdom to celebrate the king's return. Makkah Mayor Osama Al-Bar said the municipality has planned a number of activities in the holy city to mark the happy occasion. Makkah's streets have been decorated with Saudi flags, king's photos and colorful works.
Another festival is planned in the Eastern Province, beginning Thursday. Muhammad Al-Sufyan, spokesman at the Mayoralty in Dammam, said a three-day celebration would be organized in the seafront with a variety of cultural programs including folk dances and musical performances.
Hundreds of men in white robes performed a traditional Bedouin sword dance on special carpets laid out at the airport in Riyadh as part of the ceremonies to mark the king's return.
Economic benefits
King Abdullah issued a series of royal decrees on Wednesday for the welfare of Saudis and solve their economic and unemployment problems. He allocated SR40 billion to increase the capital of the Real Estate Development Fund in order to provide more housing loans to Saudis. He also increased the capital of Saudi Credit Bank from SR10 billion to SR30 billion by allocating SR20 billion for provision of soft loans. The decrees were issued as an expression of happiness and thanks on his safe return to the homeland.
Housing loan repayments will be waived for those who have passed away. Applicants who borrow loans from the REDF will be exempted from payment for two years after paying the first two installments. The ministry of finance will reimburse the needed funds for the new provision.
According to one decree, the number of family members benefiting from social insurance has been increased from eight to 15, the Saudi Press Agency said, adding that SR1 billion has been set aside for the purpose. He ordered the creation of 1,200 jobs in supervision programs and made permanent a 15 percent cost-of-living allowance for government employees.
King Abdullah allocated SR3.5 billion to help the poor repair their houses and pay electric and water bills and SR1.2 billion to conduct vocational training courses for women, SPA said.
The king also set up a high-level ministerial committee to find a quick solution to the employment of the growing number of graduates in the public and private sectors. The committee should present its report within four months.
As part of the government's efforts to fight unemployment, a part of the financial resources of the Human Resource Development Fund will be allocated to provide assistance to unemployed youth for a year. In the meantime, the General Organization for Social Insurance will set up a cooperative insurance program for the unemployed.
King Abdullah issued another decree increasing annual allocations for charitable organizations by 50 percent to reach SR450 million. Cooperative societies will also receive SR100 million annually while two projects of the National Charitable Fund will get SR100 million. He also allocated SR476 million to support poor students and urged authorities to allocate a percentage of seats at universities for them.
King Abdullah raised the budget of the General Housing Authority by SR15 billion. He also extended the period of King Abdullah Foreign Scholarship Program for another five years and said Saudis studying abroad on their accounts would be included in the program on the basis of certain conditions.
The staff of the General Auditing Bureau, Control and Investigation Board, Bureau of Investigation and Prosecution and the Royal Court will be increased by adding 300 employees each.
King Abdullah ordered the release of public rights prisoners on certain conditions and payment of debts of people jailed for nonpayment of debts. Payments will also be arranged for prisoners who are unable to pay blood money after traffic accidents.
He allocated SR10 million to support literary clubs and ordered payment of SR10 million each to excellent sports clubs, SR5 million each to every first class club and SR2 million for every registered sports club. Specialized professional associations in the Kingdom will also receive SR10 million each. King Abdullah also ordered increase in salaries and benefits for government employees, SPA said.
A supplementary amount of SR3.5 billion will be allocated for the implementation of social security programs such as purchase of furniture, bags and school uniforms for children, purchasing discount cards, financial support for the payment of electricity and water bills, and housing repairs.
Saudi students who are studying abroad will now come under the King Abdullah Scholarship Program. The specialties of subjects followed by such students should include medicine, applied health sciences, pharmacology, mathematics, physics, chemistry, engineering, computing, law, accounting and e-trade.

عربوں کی جان بخشی، اور فارس کی چاندی

عربوں کی جان بخشی، اور فارس کی چاندی
ابن علی
عالم اسلام کے سونے والو، آرام کا یہی وقت ہے!۔
ابھی اپنی بہت زمین پڑی ہے، تسلی رکھو؛ کافر بدبخت اس کو لیتے لیتے تھک جائیں گے!۔
یہ تو صرف میڈیا نے پردہ ڈال رکھا ہے، ورنہ عالم اسلام پورے کا پورا اس وقت ’فار سیل‘ ہے۔
اکیلا عالم اسلام اور پورے چالیس چور! چالیس، یا پھر چالیس ہزار، یا نہ جانے کتنے! زِیَادَۃ الْخَیْرِ خَیْرٌ! ویسے کبھی آپ نے پورے عالم اسلام کے وزیروں مشیروں کی تعداد گننے کی کوشش کی؟ مصیبت تو یہ ہے کہ آپ ایک ہی ملک کے وزیروں مشیروں کی تعداد دیکھ کر پریشان ہو جاتے ہیں، آپ کبھی پورے عالم اسلام کو بھی دیکھا تو کریں!۔
آپ ہی بتائیں عالم اسلام کو کیا کبھی اتنے زیادہ حکمران نصیب ہوئے تھے جتنے آج ہمیں ملے ہوئے ہیں!؟ اور ہم ہیں کہ پھر بھی خوش نہیں! اللہ کے فضل سے پوری ایک فوج ہے! خدا نے ایک ایک منہ دیا ہے تو دو دو ہاتھ بھی تو ہیں!۔
ٹیکس دے دے کر پوری نہیں پڑتی تو دو دو چار چار ’بیگھے‘ زمین بیچتے رہیں! اسلاف نے اتنی زمین پیچھے چھوڑی ہے، کہاں ختم ہوتی ہے! اور ایسا سادہ اور آسان حل نکل آنے میں وقت ہی کتنا لگتا ہے! سودے دھڑا دھڑ ہو رہے ہیں تو اس میں نہ سمجھ آنے والی آخر کونسی بات ہے!؟ جس جس چیز کے پیسے ملیں، جس جس چیز کا گاہک لگے، اونے پونے بھی بکے، اس کو بیچنے کیلئے ایک نہیں کئی کئی وکالت نامے حاضر! چوری کے تھان، لاٹھیوں کے گز! موکل سویا ہوا اور وکیل چست....! عراق بیچ دیا گیا۔ سوڈان بیچا جا رہا ہے۔ مشرقی تیمور کو تو ہم نے اقوام متحدہ کی تالیوں کی گونج میں صلیبیوں کو نذر کیا جاتا دیکھا۔ صومالیہ کے سودے ہو رہے ہیں، کم از کم کوشش پوری ہے۔ یمن پر بارگیننگ جاری ہے۔ کشمیر کا سودا کوئی کہتا ہے ہو گیا، کوئی کہتا ہے ’پراسیس‘ میں ہے، کوئی کہتا ہے بنیا پیسے کم دیتا ہے، کوئی کہتا ہے بنیا پیسے دے ہی نہیں رہا کہتا ہے ’آزاد کشمیر‘ میں سے کاٹ لو اور باقی ماندہ دے کر جاؤ، کوئی کہتا ہے بنیا بے اعتبار ہے ’استصواب‘ گول کر گیا ہے تو ’پیسے‘ بھی دبا جائے گا، ورنہ سودے کیلئے ہم تو تیار ہیں۔ چیز وہ بیچو جس کے پیسے نقد ملیں، تھوڑے ملیں لیکن موقعہ پر ملیں!۔
فلسطین اور بیت المقدس تو ہم بیچ کر ہی بھولے ہوئے تھے، مگر خدا کا کرنا، اس کی رجسٹری ہونے سے پڑی رہ گئی تھی اور اِس وجہ سے معاملہ بیچ میں لٹکا رہ گیا! ”بیت المقدس“ کی تو زمین ہی اتنی مہنگی ہے اور ’گاہک‘ بھی ایسا شاندار ہے کہ اس کی تو ”رجسٹری“ بھی بے حد نقد آور ہو گی! پورا ایک ملک بیچ کر اتنے پیسے نہیں نکلیں گے جتنے بیت المقدس کا ایک مرلہ بیچ کر نکل آئیں گے۔ لہٰذا ایک نہایت شاندر سودا سمجھو ابھی پورے کا پورا پڑا ہے! ابھی ایک شور اور پڑے گا اور شاید یہ ”جھٹکا“ بھی کسی وقت ہو ہی جائے۔ ایک کڑوا گھونٹ، اور پھر ہر ہر مسلم ملک کے میڈیا مائیکروفونز اور اس کا رحمان ملک: ’فکر نہ کریں، معاملہ پوری طرح کنٹرول ہے‘! سر جی! آپ ہمارے سر پر ہیں تو ہمیں فکر ہے ہی کس بات کی، آپ دیکھ نہیں رہے ہم کس سکون سے سوتے ہیں، ہم تو حیران ہیں عالم اسلام آپ جیسوں کے ہاتھ میں نہ ہوتا تو اسکا بنتا کیا....؟! ہم بے فکر اور بے حس ہوئے تو آپ جیسے ہمارے نصیب میں آئے!۔
ابھی پچھلے سالوں میں ہم نے خطۂ بلقان بیچا تھا؛ خلافت عثمانیہ کے کچھ اثاثے جو بر اعظم یورپ میں رہ گئے تھے اور ہماری آج کی ضرورت کے لحاظ سے زائد تھے! بوسنیا اور کوسووا بھلا ہماری کونسی ضرورت پوری کر رہے تھے؟!۔
چیچنیا بھی ہوتے ہوتے کہیں کنارے لگ ہی گیا۔ فلپائن بھی جاتا بنا۔ برما کے اراکانی مسلم بھی سمجھدار ہیں، صبر کر لیں گے۔ ویسے تو ہند بھی پورا دے کر ہی ہمیں یہ تھوڑا سا پاکستان ملا تھا! اور کاشغر اور مشرقی ترکستان کا تو سوال اٹھانا بھی صحیح نہیں کیونکہ یہ تو واردات ہی بہت پرانی ہے!۔
یہ ارٹریا کا بھی بہت سنا کرتے تھے....! یہاں کے مسلمانوں کو بھی امید ہے سکون آ ہی گیا ہو گا! اوگاڈین کے مسلمانوں کو بھی ’حقائق‘ پڑھنا آ ہی گیا ہو گا۔
اور افغانستان تو اگر کہیں بک جائے تو اس کے اتنے پیسے ملیں گے کہ سب کے وارے نیارے ہو جائیں! ایک ایک مجاہد اتنا مہنگا بکتا ہے، تصور کریں اگر پورے ملک کا سودا ہو جائے!۔
عالم اسلام کا ایک بہت بڑا ملک ”عراق“ ابھی حال ہی میں بکا، کیا کسی کے کان پر جوں رینگھی؟ یہ تک پوچھنے کی ضرورت بھی محسوس نہ ہوئی کہ ہمارا صدیوں کا خلافت کا یہ پایۂ تخت بیچا کس نے؟ یہاں کا کٹھ پتلی ٹولہ جو امریکی منصوبوں کی تکمیل کا ذریعہ بنا ہوا ہے، کیا رافضی نہیں ہے؟ کیا عین یہی ٹولہ سقوطِ بغداد سے لے کر آج تک حکمران چلا نہیں آ رہا؟ ایران کے ’اسلامی انقلاب‘ کے ساتھ کیا اس کی گاڑھی نہیں چھن رہی؟ کیا یہ بات سچ نہیں ہے کہ رافضی اِس ہزار سالہ پیش رفت پر پھولے نہیں سما رہے؟ وہ کام جو آل بویہ نہیں کر سکے وہ آخر ان کو تاتاریوں نے کر کے دیا تھا اور یا پھر آج جا کر امریکیوں نے کر کے دیا۔ آلِ برمک اپنے زورِ بازو سے کیا کبھی بغداد لے سکتے تھے؟! منصورؒ اور رشیدؒ کا پایۂ تخت ہلاکو کے بعد دوسری بار صفویوں کے پاس، ’شیطانِ بزرگ‘ کا کوئی فائدہ تو ہوا!۔
عربوں کی جان بخشی کر دی جائے، آل سعود کا تخت محفوظ رہے، تو بس یہی آپ اپنی ذات میں اتنی بڑی پیشرفت ہے کہ اِس کے عوض میں سب کچھ دیا جا سکتا ہے! عراق امریکیوں کے پاس جائے یا صفویوں کے پاس، اپنا اقتدار تو محفوظ ہے! چنانچہ عربوں کیلئے تو جان بخشی کے عوض ہر چیز غنیمت ہے! ہر سودا منظور ہے، کیا کوئی ’نامنظور‘ چیز بھی خدا کی اِس دنیا میں پائی گئی ہے!؟۔
البتہ فارس اپنا مول جانتا ہے، تھوڑے بہت پر قانع ہونا بے وقوفی ہے، ایک ’عراق‘ ہی کیا، اس سے آگے جہاں اور بھی ہیں! شیطانِ بزرگ کی ضرورتیں ابھی ختم کب ہوئی ہیں، جزیرۂ عرب میں، یا خطۂ خراسان کے اندر، یا بحر عرب میں؟! عالم اسلام کے سوئے ہوئے کیا جاگ تھوڑی جائیں گے؟ سبھی اسلام پسند طبقے یہی تو پوچھتے رہیں گے ’یہ تم لوگوں نے ’رافضی رافضی‘ کی رٹ کیوں لگا رکھی ہے، عالم اسلام کے اس اکلوتے ’اسلامی انقلاب‘ کے خلاف امریکی ایجنڈا کو کامیاب کروانے کے کیوں درپے ہو‘!۔
ابھی عراق بیچ کر نہیں ہٹے تھے کہ سوڈان کی باری ہے۔ عراق کی بار جن پیروں میں جان نہیں رہی تھی، سوڈان کی بار ان میں جان کیونکر عود کر آتی؟ وہی ’جان بخشی‘ سوڈان کے عوض میں بھی کافی ہے! بلکہ ہر چیز کے عوض میں کافی ہے!۔
ایک عراق تھا جو مغرب کو کچھ آنکھیں دکھانے لگا تھا، سو اس کا حشر ہم نے دیکھ لیا۔ ایک سوڈان تھا جو ذرا آنکھوں میں کھٹکنے لگ گیا تھا، سو اس کے حصے بخرے ہونا شروع ہو گئے، باقیوں کو کان ہوں....!!!۔
اور تاکہ براعظم افریقہ میں، جو کہ دنیا کا واحد بر اعظم ہے جس کی اکثریت مسلمانوں کی ہے، اسلام کی بڑھتی ہوئی پیش قدمی کے مدمقابل کارکنانِ صلیب کے حوصلے بلند ہوں....! جمی کارٹر پچھلے پندرہ سال سے وہاں یونہی تو نہیں بیٹھا ہوا!۔
سوڈان.. عالم اسلام کا بلحاظ رقبہ سب سے بڑا ملک.... جس کو صلیبی اپنی قینچی لے کر کاٹ رہا ہے۔ لوگو! دیکھو کیک کاٹا جا رہا ہے، صلیب کی فتح کا کیک....! براعظم افریقہ میں جہاں ہلال اور صلیب کی جنگ گویا تاریخ کے آخری ترین موڑ میں داخل ہو چکی تھی۔ امت محمد کے سینے میں ایک اور خنجر۔ کیا کوئی ہے جو چیخے؟ کچھ نہ کرے، صرف چیخ ہی لے؟ اَما حمزۃ فلا بواکی لہ! حمزۃؓ کو تو رونے والیاں تک دستیاب نہیں!خدایا! خلافت نہیں رہی، مان لیا؛ یہاں تو کوئی رونے والا تک نظر نہیں آ رہا۔ کیا یہاں کوئی محمد علی جوہرؒ نہیں جو خلافت کا حتمی انجام جانتے ہوئے بھی مسلمانوں کو رلانے میں تو کامیاب ہو ہی گیا تھا؟ جو ایک مقبوضہ نہتے ہندوستان میں لوگوں کو گھروں سے تو نکال لایا تھا۔ لوگو! مسلمان روئے تو تھے!۔
جسے دیکھنا ہو دیکھ لے، عالم اسلام کے بوسیدہ نقشے پر صلیب کی قینچی پورے زور سے چل رہی ہے۔ ہر چند ماہ بعد ہمیں کوئی نیا ’پرخچہ‘ مل جاتا ہے!۔

Modi Is the Worst of the Worst ... Wo Zaalim Hai'

'Modi Is the Worst of the Worst ... Wo Zaalim Hai'

Exclusive Interview With Maulana Ghulam Ahmad Vastanwi

By Siraj Wahab in MakkahPublished on Feb. 22, 2011
MAULANA Ghulam Ahmad Vastanwi was in Saudi Arabia last week. During his stay in Makkah, Madinah and Jeddah, he met a number of high-ranking officials associated with the Saudi government and such prestigious institutions as the Muslim World League and the World Association of Muslim Youth. Dozens of students who graduated from his seminary and are now studying at the Umm Al-Qura University in Makkah and the Islamic University of Madinah also came to visit and felicitate him.

The maulana was thrust into international limelight following his recent appointment as the rector or muhtamim of South Asia's most prestigious Islamic seminary, Darul Uloom Deoband. More than his appointment, it was his reported remarks about Narendra Modi, the man who led the 2002 anti-Muslim pogrom in Gujarat, which led to an uproar in India and abroad, and calls for his resignation in some quarters.

The Majlis-e-Shoura of Darul Uloom Deoband is meeting on Wednesday, Feb. 23, to discuss his fate. It might rule in his favor or it may ask him to step aside in view of the raging controversy. Maulana Vastanwi spoke to this correspondent at the Marwa Towers in Makkah, a few steps from the Grand Mosque. As I tap on the iPad to record the maulana's interview I notice the impressive Kaaba from the glass window of his room. Sitting next to him is his youngest son Uwais Vastanwi. Following are the excerpts from the interview:

Q: How long have you been associated with Darul Uloom Deoband?

 Darul Uloom Deoband is the oldest Muslim religious institution in Asia. It has played a key role in South Asia's history. It was established by some of the greatest Muslim leaders. It was started to preserve our religion in South Asia and its founders succeeded in their mission. Any order issued by Deoband is followed by the community in letter and spirit. It is the most important center of religious learning in India and also the most prestigious.

I have been a member of the Deoband Shoura for the last 12 years. The Shoura has 17 members. These 17 members come from all states of India. I represent Maharashtra in the Shoura. All of the Shoura members come from excellent backgrounds. They are chosen on the basis of their work for Islam in their respective regions. All of these members have contributed immensely to the promotion of Islam.

Maulana Marghubur Rahman, who died a few months ago, was the ninth rector of Deoband. He was a great man. He was widely respected by the ulama. Such was his selflessness and devotion to Deoband that he did not take a single penny from the institution that he ran. In fact, he even paid rent for the room in which he stayed. It was Maulana Marghubur Rahman who made me the member of the Shoura 12 years ago. He loved me and I respected him immensely. When he died, it was suggested that I become the acting rector. I did not see myself fit for the post and I politely declined. The Shoura members then persuaded Maulana Abul Qasim Banarasi to become the acting rector. It was a unanimous decision.

A month-and-a-half later the Shoura was convened to elect a new rector. Of the 17 members, four members suggested the name of Maulana Arshad Madani. Two were in favor of the acting rector Maulana Abul Qasim Banarasi. Eight members proposed my name. Three members did not turn up. So it was announced that since eight members are in favor of Maulana Vastanwi he should be made the rector. I objected and said no. I said that if the other members who supported Maulana Arshad Madani and Maulana Abul Qasim Banarasi change their opinion in my favor … only then will I accept this post. I wanted unanimity. They all said yes and added that since most members have now reposed confidence in Vastanwi we too are with him. Everything was settled. A formal announcement was made by the Shoura. There were celebrations. I met with the teachers and other administrative officials and briefed them about various issues concerning the seminary. Students were happy too. I addressed them in the evening. The next day I left for Akkalkuwa where we run a number of madaris and degree colleges.

Q: When did the trouble begin then?

 As soon as I left Deoband, I got a call that some students were unhappy with my appointment. I was told that they were very few in numbers. Now I don't know who instigated them or who was behind this campaign against me. It came as a shock to me. Just a day earlier everything seemed perfect. The students were happy, the teachers were happy, all Shoura members were happy.

A little later I got a call from the Times of India's Gujarat correspondent. The news was out in the media that I had become the rector of Deoband. He asked me about the Gujarat riots and I told him why was he asking my opinion on something that happened eight years ago. And then I suggested that for us Muslims now education is the most important thing. Our community's focus is education. The report that appeared in the newspaper next day gave an impression that I was supporting Modi and that I gave a clean chit to him. I had told The Times correspondent that cases relating to the 2002 riots are before the courts and it is the duty of the courts to provide justice to the riot victims. I also said that those who are being illegally detained should be released.

Q: But the impression one got from the report was that you have some kind of a soft spot for Modi...

 Modi is the worst of the worst. Wo zaalim hai ... aur zaalim ki taareef bhi nahin ki ja sakti (he is a cruel man and one is not allowed to appreciate a cruel man). Whatever he did to Muslims we will and we cannot forget that (zaalim ke zulm ko ham maaf bhi nahi kar sakte). Nor can we give him a clean chit. Some people in the media, especially a particular section of the Urdu media, have twisted my statements to create mischief. If you go back to the original report in The Times of India, it is very clearly mentioned that "Vastanwi did not give Modi a clean chit".

Q: There were also reports that Modi invited you as a special guest for Republic Day celebrations in Gujarat?

 This again was media mischief. Nobody invited me and nor did I go there. This bit of news was absolutely nonsensical. When I first heard it, I immediately issued a clarification. I was in Deoband on Jan. 26.

Q: Those who launched an attack on you are part of our community. They do not belong to other communities. What do you think was their motive? What is your assessment?

 Whoever has done this mischief of maligning me and whoever is behind this mudslinging campaign ... let me tell them I am not a political man. My work is confined to promoting education. Taalim, taalim aur taalim -- that is my motto and mission. Those who have made an issue out of my reported remarks ... for them, this is a political issue.

Some people took my comments as supporting Modi. Some people saw those statements as anti-Congress. I am not favoring Modi nor am I against Congress. I only say that Muslims work hard in the field of education (musalman apne aap ko taalim me aage laaye). Muslim youngsters are facing unemployment. Our community members are suffering because of stark poverty. I think unless and until we work in the field of education we will not be able to tackle these two major problems facing our community in India: unemployment and poverty.

Q: Can your tell us about your institutions in Akkalkuwa?

 I completed my early Islamic education at Darul Uloom Falah-e-Darain Tadkeshwar (district Surat, Gujarat). I then worked as an Arabic teacher at Darul Uloom Kantharia (district Bharuch, Gujarat). In 1979 when I was teaching there, we had two students who were from Akkalkuwa, a small hamlet in Maharashtra. At that time, the population of Akkalkuwa may have been 5,000. I am talking about 1980. Muslims were about 50 percent so there were around 2,500 Muslims. At the invitation of those two students (both are now teaching at our institutions) I went to Akkalkuwa in 1980. Wahan kuch nahi tha ... Sirf jahalat thi. There was total ignorance. Muslims were unaware of the teachings of Islam. They were extremely poor. Mosques lay abandoned. No one took care of them. There was no library, no school. So when I visited Akkalkuwa, this thought crossed my mind that I should do something here. Remember, this was just a thought not a dream. Then I wrote to my elders about the situation in Akkalkuwa. They said "baith jaao," start working there. So in 1980 I built a shed that cost us 18,000 rupees. That shed or "jhonpda" still exists today. We started with six students and two teachers -- Maulana Ishaq and Maulana Yaqoob.

Then two residents of Akkalkuwa -- Salman Havaldar and Yaqoob Dada -- each gave us 3 acres of land. So we had six acres. On this six-acre plot we started work in 1983. In two years we got a building constructed. Around this time, in 1986 to be precise, I went to South Africa. There I met Abdullah Omar Naseef who was visiting that country. He was at that time the chief of the World Muslim League. I immediately extended an invitation to him to visit our madrasa. He accepted our invitation. It became big news in India. Omar Naseef was riding the crest of popularity in the Muslim world with his dynamism. The popular reaction in India was "Such a big man, coming to Akkalkuwa!" Omar Naseef is a great man. May Allah bless him. He always thought big. I never heard him saying no. Anybody who went to him, he would say "yes" and "done".

His arrival in Akkalkuwa in 1987 proved to be a turning point in the history of the Muslims of Akkalkuwa. It was a big program from our point of view. However, it was a small program looking at the stature of Omar Naseef. He faced a lot of difficulties reaching Akkalkuwa. There were no paved roads. The best car available then was the Ambassador. And we did not have enough resources. In his speech, however, he said he was overwhelmed by the love of the Muslims of India. "This will remain my most memorable visit." That is what he said. Then Omar Naseef invited us to the Muslim World League and introduced us to people in Kuwait. I always visit him when I visit Saudi Arabia.

So our Jamia Akkalkuwa continued to make steady progress in 1980s and 1990s. The strength rose from six students to 500, 700, 1,000. Today our Jaamia is the biggest madrasa for memorizing the Qur'an in Asia. We have 10,000 students who are currently memorizing the Qur'an in Jamia and other Jamia affiliates. We have more than 100 branches. Every year, 1,500 students graduate from the Jamia after having memorized the Holy Qur'an. At other madaris there are only 200-300 students. In Deoband itself there are only 250 students in the memorizing Qur’an section (tahfeez al-Qur’an). So far, 15,000 students are already hafiz and are working in various parts of the country. In Deoband, the memorizing Qur’an section is not big. There the focus is on the alim studies (alamiyyat). Every year Deoband produces 800 to 900 alims.

Then we realized that in Akkalkuwa there were no opportunities for mainstream worldly education. So we helped the villagers start a high school. We constructed the building for them. At that time it cost us 2.5 million rupees. Then we started our own high school. Then a junior college. The students from the local high school had no opportunity to continue higher studies so they started coming to our junior college. Then we launched a Unani medical college (BUMS). Then we launched ITIs. So far, nearly 2,000 students have benefited from these technical institutes. Since there is a certain criteria set by the government to enlist students, our huffaz did secondary education after completing their memorization courses and got into these technical institutes. But most of the students who came to join our technical institutes were from regular schools, but once they joined the technical institutes run by us we provided them with religious education. That was an incentive for them. They got an Islamic way of life. So a Muslim student at our ITI did not just become a technical expert but a good Muslim too. And those Hindus who enroll in our technical institutes become sympathetic to the Muslim issues.

So now we have a Unani medical college, technical institutes, B.Ed. colleges, D.Ed colleges, polytechnic colleges, D. Pharm College, B. Pharm College and a B.E. engineering college. The most important point in our colleges is that there is no concept of donation. There are hundreds of students to whom we provide free education in our colleges. All this has improved the economy of Akkalkuwa. Akkalkuwa is not what it was when we first visited in 1980. Akkalkuwa has become a proper town. I have now spent 30 years there. I have never faced any difficulty from our Hindu brothers in Akkalkuwa. They have been very helpful. In fact, their students are enrolled in our institutes as well.

I can safely say that after Aligarh this is the largest chain of institutions. [It is worth pointing out that Maulana Vastanwi has helped construct 5,000 mosques in Maharashtra's remote districts. Many of these mosques have cost 5 million rupees and some even 10 million rupees. He has helped dig 4,000 bore wells for drinking water and set up hundreds of primary schools. To date he has set up 2,500 primary Islamic centers]. So far, the Akkalkuwa campus is far bigger than Deoband. But Deoband is prestigious. There is no doubt about that. We have 12,500 students with lodging and boarding facilities. Deoband has only 3,000 students.

Q: What will you say to your adversaries?

 Let me clarify here, I don't call them adversaries. What I say is that we have to take everybody along -- Muslim, Hindu, Sikh and Christians. We have to work together to build the nation. We have to be big-hearted. If we take a communal stand, it will not produce good results for us. We have to cleanse our heart and mind and join the march for the moral and industrial progress of our country. Similarly, I appeal to non-Muslim Indians to provide Muslims with the space they deserve to prosper. Both need each other. And for this attitudinal change we need education.

Q: There is a perception among some people that maulana is being opposed because he belongs to the south.

 I disagree with that assessment. That is not correct. Members of the Deoband Shoura belong to all parts of India. As I mentioned before, I have been a member of the Shoura for the last 12 years. If they were prejudiced against anybody from the south, then I would not have been made the rector in the first place. They made me the rector. If they had in their minds that they should not make a Gujarati as the head, then they would not have appointed me. So how can they be biased? My appointment as Deoband rector is proof that there is no regionalism there.

Q: It seems you are very upset with the Urdu media?

 No, I am not upset with them. We need the Urdu media. We need to promote Urdu. We are fighting for Urdu and the government is also working on it. Sahara newspaper is counted among the best Urdu newspapers in India. Then there are Inquilab and Urdu Times from Bombay; Siasat, Etemad and Munsif from Hyderabad. We need good journalists. But it is the responsibility of the newspaper owners to maintain their standards and earn credibility.

Q: There was some controversy about your resignation as well. It was reported that you resigned and then there reports that you did not?

 Again it was media manipulation. When I heard that some students were agitating against my appointment, I told them that if they did not like me then I will tell the Shoura that since the students do not like me I will resign because a resignation can only be given to those who appointed me. I also said that I will resign if the Shoura is unhappy with me. The media immediately reported that I had resigned. On Feb. 23, when the Shoura meets I will tell them that if my personality leads to problems for Deoband, then they can relieve me. Who wants any harm to come to this great institution? Only Shoura will decide whether I will or will not stay at Deoband. The Shoura's decision will be the final decision. They are the decision-makers.

Q: Some say the current agitation against you is being fanned by the Madani family.

 Regarding the Madani family, I will not say anything. I respect them. This is a very respectable family. Theirs is a historical contribution. My daughter is married in that family (Maulana Vastanwi's daughter is married to Maulana Arshad Madani's son). My daughter and son-in-law are leading a happy life. I will only repeat that I am not a BJP man. I am a man of education. My only goal is to promote education.

Q: There is also an allegation that you are out to convert Darul Uloom Deoband into a modern institute?

 Those who are against us allege that we will convert it into a modern institute. Deoband is a religious institution. We cannot and will not deviate from its aims. Though I am the rector of Deoband, I cannot do anything that is not mandated by the Majlis-e-Shoura. It is that simple. At Deoband, I am answerable and accountable to the Shoura for each and every action. These unfounded rumors that are being spread against me that I will dilute the fundamental character of Deoband are baseless. I only have to execute the policies approved by the Shoura. That is the high command. You may not know this, but I cannot even get a student enrolled in Deoband. Those decisions are taken by the Shoura.



Right way to treat dowry takers

Any big ideas from the Muslim world?


Any big ideas from the Muslim world?

A war of ideas is on. And only those well prepared and equipped for it will survive this battle of hearts and minds
An idea can change the world. 
A great deal has been written about the stark simplicity and honesty of the early believers and how the rustic, desert tribes conquered the world within two decades of the dawn of Islam. What fascinates me no end though is their seminal contribution to modern science and all streams of pursuit of knowledge.  From astronomy to anatomy to medical science and from mathematics to chemistry to physics to navigation and from philosophy to poetry, Muslims have not just left an imprint on modern science, they have shaped our world.
Did you, for instance, know that it was an Arab woman, Fatima Al Fihri, from Morocco who founded the world’s first university? Or the fact that the blue print of modern camera was created by an Iraqi scientist, Ibn Al Haitham, more than a thousand years ago? He wrote the Book of Optics that led to the invention of camera.
How many of us, accustomed to the comfort and speed of air travel, realize that the idea had been first tried by a curious pioneer called Abbas Ibn Firnas? With his body covered in feathers and “wings” strapped to his arms, the Berber polymath took to the sky in 9th-century Cordoba, managing to “fly” several meters before crash landing. It was clearly a work in progress! But let’s not forget it happened a thousand years before the Wright brothers attempted their flight.
New York these days is hosting an unusual exhibition profiling hundreds of such pioneers, from Ibn Firnas to Ibn Sena, in a long due tribute to the contribution of the Islamic civilization. “1001 Inventions: Discover the Muslim Heritage in Our World” that opened in the Big Apple last month after immensely successful shows in London and Istanbul attracting 800,000 visitors is an attempt to recreate the glory of the magical millennium, from 700 to 1700 AD, that changed the world.
It was during this period between the fall of Rome and the rise of the European Renaissance, that Muslim civilization led the world in science and technology and virtually everything else. From the humble coffee beans to the crafty game of chess to windmills to clocks to fountain pen to soap to surgical instruments and from quilting or sewing to gunpowder, the list of Muslim inventions is endless.  Five hundred years before Galileo discovered earth was round and was duly punished for it by the church, the Muslim scientists had established the spherical nature of the planet.
IN the empire of the faith that stretched from Spain through the Middle East to China, new ideas were constantly generated, encouraged and embraced. It’s this ferocious hunger for knowledge that took the Arabs and Muslims to great heights of power, prosperity and intellectual supremacy. They fought the battle of ideas from a position of strength, challenging reigning ideas and ideologies of the time.
They looked for and embraced the best from around the world. Which was how the science of arithmetic from India and Greek philosophy were passed on to Europe and the rest of the world. Indeed, the Arab contribution played a critical role in the progress the West has made over the past five centuries.
A culture of excellence coupled with their willingness to learn enabled the Muslims to conquer new lands. Muslim countries were home to scores of universities and libraries long before Oxford and Cambridge came to be founded in Europe.
When the Mongol armies ran over the Middle East sacking eminent centers of power and learning like Baghdad, Damascus and Alexandria and killing hundreds of thousands of people, historians say that there was more ink than blood in rivers. The invaders had burned and dumped in the river hundreds of thousands of invaluable books and rare manuscripts authored and collected over the centuries.
How would you then explain the current intellectual stagnation? Why aren’t Muslims part of the knowledge revolution any more, let alone leading it? Have they run out of steam as a people and as a civilization?
It’s no coincidence that power began to slip Muslim hands just when they stopped exploring and expanding new horizons of knowledge. Muslims haven’t produced one intellectual or scientist of the stature of Ibn Rushd and Ibn Sena, or Averroes and Avicenna, in the past many centuries.
Why? Because the movement of knowledge and ideas that once drove the Arabs and Muslims and fired their imagination has lost itself somewhere. A small European nation or a backward Indian state could boast more universities today than all the Arab countries put together.  
All we do these days is spend all our time and energy on pointless delusions of grandeur and fruitless debates.  Instead of doing something constructive and positive to lift ourselves out of the dangerous intellectual morass and stagnation we are stuck in, we are busy issuing fatwas condemning each other.  
There was a time when most Arab countries did not have much by way of financial and material resources.  Thankfully, that’s not the case today. Yet they are not making the most of the boom driven by the oil wealth discovered during the last century.  Instead of endlessly building those malls, hotels and palaces and other delusions of grandeur, shouldn’t the Arabs be investing their resources in building knowledge infrastructure like universities, research centers, think tanks and the media? Ours is the age of knowledge.
A war of ideas is on. And only those well prepared and equipped for it will survive this battle of hearts and minds.  If for nothing else, Arab countries should make greater investments in knowledge for their restive, young generations. After all, majority of the Middle East’s population today is young and very restive. They are growing up with a sense of purpose and direction and a keen consciousness of their place in the world. The Arab nations will ignore them at their own cost.    
There’s no dearth of talent or resources, human or material, in the Muslim world today. What it needs is original ideas and men who could translate them into reality. More important, what is needed is an opening of minds.

Islamic encyclopedia released in Bangalore

Islamic encyclopedia released in Bangalore

Published: Feb 14, 2011 18:11 Updated: Feb 14, 2011 18:35
BANGALORE, India: A two-volume Islamic encyclopedia prepared by a team of scholars was released here on Sunday. An Educational Encyclopedia of Islam, edited by Syed Iqbal Zaheer, an Islamic scholar from Bangalore who works as an engineer at Dhahran, the English language encyclopedia runs into two volumes of 1,300 pages and is published by the East West Educational Tools.
It covers the religious dimensions of Islam and its developments over the centuries.
Elegantly produced and aesthetically designed, the encyclopedia covers a wide range of subjects like definitions of Islamic terms, life of Prophet Muhammad (praise be upon him), social and political movements in Islam and the Islamic world, Muslim scientists and scholars of the past, Islamic law, Muslim minorities, Islamic history, etc.
The inaugural copy of the encyclopedia was unveiled and released by Justice Mohammad Anwar, judge of the Karnataka High Court.
Speaking at the occasion, Syed Iqbal Zaheer said the monumental effort took 15 years for the entire team of East West Educational Tools to complete.  He said most of the encyclopedic efforts on Islam and Muslims has been done in the West and provides a distorted picture of Islam. He said Brille's was the most exhaustive work - in 12 volumes - so far but portrays Islam in an extremely poor light thereby carrying forward the agenda of the Orientalists.  
An Educational Encyclopedia of Islam has nearly 50 large multi-color maps and diagrams of historical sites, battles and voyages undertaken by explorers and scholars. Presentation in lucid styles is interspersed with anecdotes and relevant details. The hard-bound volumes come in an attractive slipcase and make an effective coffee table piece.
The emphasis of the work has been on drawing material from the original sources. As editor Syed Iqbal writes in the preface, the content has undergone translation and editing, initially from Arabic to Urdu and thence to English. Refinement and abridgement at each stage has lent the content precision. In short, to expect a work like this to emanate from Bangalore might have been unimaginable.
"The encyclopedia fills a very important void as heretofore most such reference material stemmed from the West whose biases and prejudices colored the content," Syed Iqbal said in a press release.
The encyclopedia is priced at $150 for the Gulf countries.

latest news of the week

Rs 3 crore bill for patient in coma

The dedicated team of doctors, nurses and philanthropists serve people with uncompromising dedication. It seeks to build a bridge between needy patients and the fast-moving medical technology of the third millennium. In a country where thousands die each day due to their inability to access an expensive health care system, (we seek) to advance the frontiers of specialised medical care,’ boasts the Mumbai-based Lilavati Hospital. Going by the hospital’s self-proclaimed philanthropic outlook, the bill of `3 crore it presented to the family of Nazma Alam Khan is atrocious.
Nazma slipped into coma minutes after she was administered anaesthesia for a hysterectomy operation at Lilavati in September 2008. Since then she has been in what doctors call a “vegetative state”. Though Nazma’s slipping into coma is a clear case of medical negligence, it hasn’t stopped the hospital from issuing bills. The hospital’s last bill was for `1.5 crore and the latest one is reportedly for `3 crore.
The doctor who gave her anaesthesia, the culprit, reportedly committed suicide two months later. Nazma’s family filed a complaint with the Mumbai police, following which the hospital reportedly agreed to provide free medical treatment till she recovered.
While the family members are not willing to talk about the case, it is learnt that they are fighting a legal battle against the hospital authorities for medical negligence. Holding the hospital at fault, the family has refused to pay the bills.
Efforts by this correspondent to contact the authorities at Lilavati hospital failed. The telephone operator, after keeping the call on hold for 10 minutes, informed that the superintendent was busy and could not be contacted.
The unfortunate episode of Nazma Alam Khan has triggered a debate in medical circles not only on the need for safe anaesthesia practices but also on the need for strong legislation on medical ethics and patient’s rights.
Strangely, the government has different yardsticks for hospitals run by it and those run by private individuals or corporate bodies. While one can bring pressure on the government and seek disciplinary and penal action against doctors and other medical staff involved in medical negligence in government hospitals, for private hospitals, one has to go through the long process of fighting it out legally in a consumer court. Unless medical negligence is proved by the complainant, consumer courts cannot deliver justice to the victim.
“This is a clear case of medical negligence on the part of the treating doctors, especially the anaesthesia team of the hospital,” says Dr Ramesh Reddy, chairman of Andhra Pradesh Medical Council. The Council is empowered to derecognise doctors under its jurisdiction in cases of proven medical negligence. Dr Ramesh Reddy said had Nazma developed post operative complications or if she was a diabetic, things would have been different.
“The hospital authorities have absolutely no right to charge `3 crore.
“Her family can either approach the consumer forum or approach the Maharashtra Medical Council and based on prima facie negligence on part of the treating doctors, a petition can be filed for violation of code of medical ethics. Post enquiry by a team of experts from the MC, if negligence is proved, a criminal case can be filed under Section 304 of the IPC,” he adds. The Indian Medical Association has also found fault with the Lilavati hospital for demanding the exorbitant amount. Says Dr E. Sai Prasad, honorary secretary-general, Indian Medical Association, AP chapter, “On humanitarian grounds, the hospital should not have charged such an exorbitant amount.”
“There is no justification in keeping a family in mental agony for such a long time. The patient could be shifted home and kept under the care of nurses,” Dr Prasad observes.
WHO has recognised patients’ rights as a part of human rights. The SC has also declared that medical treatment is a service and hence falls under the purview of the Consumer Protection Act, 1986 and as consumers, patients or their relatives have every right to demand information from the doctor/hospital concerned
 ""A meaningful life is not a matter of speed or efficiency, it's much more a matter of wat u do and why u do it, not how fast u get it done""

With Regards ,



Scholarships for Indian Muslims

Scholarships for Indian Muslims

Following organizations provide scholarship to students some of them to Indian Muslims exclusively, for details please contact them directly.
Government of India: http://minorityaffairs.gov.in/newsite/schemes/schemes.asp
Andhra Pradesh: http://apsmfc.com/
Bihar: http://minoritywelfare.bih.nic.in/Scholarships.htm
Chandigarh: http://www.chdeducation.gov.in/Scholarship%20Schemes.pdf
Delhi: http://www.scstwelfare.delhigovt.nic.in/
Goa: http://www.goasocialwelfare.com/postmatrix.htm
Gujarat: http://sje.gujarat.gov.in/english/content.asp?cid=133
Himachal Pradesh: http://www.himachal.nic.in/welfare/
Kerala: http://www.collegiateedu.kerala.gov.in/
Madhya Pradesh: http://www.mp.gov.in/bcwelfare/
Orissa: http://www.orissa.gov.in/stsc/Minority_scholarship/postmatric_scholarshi...
Pondicherry: http://socwelfare.pondicherry.gov.in/postmatricscholarships.htm
Rajasthan: http://sje.rajasthan.gov.in/MinoScho/MinoScho.htm
Uttar Pradesh: http://minoritywelfare.up.nic.in/
West Bengal: http://www.wbmdfc.org/
Aamir Mustafa Kidwai Trust
Contact Person: Mrs Aziza Kidwai
B-28, West End Colony, New Delhi - 110021; Tel. 011-24670009, Mob: 09868679107
Scheme: Financial assistance for pursuing higher studies to needy and meritorious persons belonging to educationally backward minorities.
Abdul Qayum Fellowship at Portland State University, USA
Provides for a student from Aligarh Muslim University or Shibli National College in India to apply for support to pursue any graduate degree offered with the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, with preference to be given to students seeking a degree in Economics and with demonstrated financial need. The College is providing a matching tuition waiver.
Aga Khan Foundation (UK)
Aga Khan Foundation, Sarojini House, 6 Bhagwan Das Road, New Delhi 110001
Scheme: University study in the UK for grad and post grad programmes
Agha Khan Program for Islamic Architecture
for study of architecture at MIT and Harvard
Scheme: Three scholarships awarded every year for research & investigation in Architecture of the Muslim world.
Al-Ameen Charitable fund Trust Super tannery (I) Ltd.
Jajmau Road, Jajmau, Kanpur - 208 010 (U.P.)
Scheme: Post Metric Scholarship for higher education
Al-Ameen Scholarships
UG-12, Essel House, 10-Asaf Ali road, New Delhi 110002 OR
76A/1; Okhla Main Bazar, Jamia Nagar, New Delhi - 110025; Tel: 26845691, Fax: 26839968
Scheme: Scholarship for students securing more than 50% marks in IXth and Xth standard. Girls studying from Vth standard may also be considered.
Aligarh Alumnis Scholarships
Application Forms can be downloaded from the Federation's Website (http://www.aligs.org)
1. AMU Alumni Association, Australia (open to all, about 30 Scholarships)
2. AMU Alumni Association, California (open to all, about 150 Scholarships)
3. The Aligarh Alumni Association Washington DC
i) 14 Scholarships specific for students from ASSAM (Endowed by Mr. Zouqul Choudhary)
ii) 07 Sabah Memorial Scholarships (Specific for Law Students. Endowed by Mrs. Akhtar Quraishi & Dr. Sayeed Quraishi)
iii) 86 Scholarships (open to all) Endowed by different individuals.
iv) 03 Scholarships (open to all) Endowed by Mr. S. A. Raza.
4. Sultan Jahan Begum Scholarship (Oman, open to all, about 60 Scholarships)
5. Dr. S. M. Raza & Others Scholarships (Muscat, open to all)
6. Dr. E. R. Ansari Scholarships (Abu Dhabi, open to all about 8 Scholarships)
6. Begum Khalida Naheed & MSUS' Scholarship (open to all)
7. Aligarh Alumni Association of New England: http://www.aaane.us/
Provides scholarship to AMU graduates applying for admissions to US colleges for post-graduation.
All India Talent Identification And Promotion Trust
#7, SRK Garden, Jayanagar (E), Bangalore-41 Tel. 080-56969672, 6646861
Email: admin@aitipt.org; aitipt@yahoo.co.in
AMM Arunachalam-Lakshmi Achi Scholarship
AMM Foundation, Parry House, Third Floor, 43 Moore Street, Chennai 600001.
Asma Foundation (Regd)
Hospital Road
Distt. Madhubani, Bihar 847211
Basic Research, Education And Development (BREAD)
Invites applications for financial aid from the students who had excelled in public exams, but could not afford to study further.
During the year 2004-05, BREAD will offer scholarships in science and technology : Engineering, Computer Science, Medicine, Veterinary Science, Agriculture, Pharmacy, Polytechnics, Mathematics and Sciences.
BREAD and North South Foundation (NSF) have awarded over 2,000 Scholarships over the years.
The eligibility criteria include : a family income of less than Rs,38,000
(Rs.26,000 in rural areas) ; top five per cent ranks in Common Entrance Tests (CET) of 85 per cent marks in intermediate or equivalent examination with relaxation of five per cent to rural and girl students in ranks/percentages ; rank of first attempt preferred; coming from Government or Government aided schools only; first year students in the course of study chosen; students eligible for other scholarships will not normally be eligible for BREAD scholarships. Shortlised candidates will be interviewed before the final selection.
The application form for Andhra Pradesh could be had from Ch. Hanumantha Rao, 204 Megha Apts, 2-1-253 Nallakunta, Hydreabad - 500 044 by sending a self-addressed, stamped envelope with rank card of CET or mark sheet of intermediate or equivalent examination this year. The deadline for filing of applications is July 31.
Sri M. Siva Ram Prasad, BREAD,401, Diamond House Adjacent to Amrutha Hills Punjagutta, Hyderabad-500 082
Bharat Seva Trust
12 A, Connaught Place New Delhi-110001;
Tel. 23323917
Central Wakf Council
14/173, Jam Nagar House, Shahjahan Road, New Delhi-110011;
Tel. 23384465; Fax. 23070881;
Email: central_wakf_council@vsnl.net
Web: http://www.wbmdfc.org/wakf/index.html
Criteria: Father's Annual income not more than Rs 75000.00 per annum.
Scheme: Scholarship to students of B.E., M.B.B.S, B.D.S, B.Sc., A.M.D.Sc (Alig), M.B.A., M.Sc., L.L.B., Scholarship Rs 6000.00 per annum
The Children Foundation
Students studying from the V to the XII standard
Post Box No -5007, Chennai - 600090 Tamil Nadu
Activities mainly in the state of Kerala
Provide scholarship for academically excellent student who lack the financial freedom in choosing and building their career
Crescent Educational Foundation
B.61 C K Road, Chanpatana, Bangalore Dist.Karnataka, email : crescent@asia.com ; Tel ++91-80-7251143 / 54443; Mobile ++91-9844143530; PRO: Mr. Syed Ajmal
Criteria : Students from Muslim community (irrespective of any school of thought) but he/she must be from Chanpatana city only
Scheme: Scholarship to students of professional courses.
Dawodbhoy Fazalbhoy Muslim Educational Trust
42, Ibrahim Md. Merchant Road, Dhadah Khadak, Mumbai 400 029, E-mail: assurfam@vsnl.com
Danish Education Trust(R)
To Karnataka students studying in the following courses in Karnataka:
Law, Journalism, Economics
or Students appearing for II year PUC and Karnataka CET 2008, seeking admission to 1st year BE & MBBS courses.
Danish Educational Trust
No. 85, Sheriff House, Richmond Road, Next to Karnataka State
Hajj Committee Office, Bangalore - 560025.
Phone: 080 – 41121281.
Email: danishtrust@gmail.com
Dawodbhoy Fazalbhoy Muslim Educational Trust
42, Ibrahim Md. Merchant Road, Dhadah Khadak, Mumbai 400 029,
E-mail: assurfam@vsnl.com
Delhi Wakf Board
Near Bachchon Ka Ghar, Daryaganj, Delhi 110006
Dr. Zakir Hussain Memorial Trust
4, Gul Mohar Avenue, Jamia Nagar, New Delhi-110025
Foundation for Academic Excellence and Access (FAEA)
B-41, Qutab Institutional Area, New Mehrauli Road, New Delhi - 110 016, Phone: 2696 4290, 2696 5211 Fax: 2696 4580, E-mail: inquiry@faeaindia.org
Criteria: Undergraduate studies in Arts / Commerce / Science / Medical / Engineering and other technical and professional discipline at any University / Institution / College of students choice anywhere in India.
Eligibility: 1. Indian Nationals. 2. Students who are currently in Class XII or have passed Class XII from a recognised board in India. Those in the 1st year of the undergraduate course (any discipline) are also eligible to apply.
Scope: Tuition fee, maintenance allowance or hostel/mess charges and other allowances to cover travel, clothing and books. Scholarships are tenable up to a maximum of five years. All grants are renewed annually based on Scholars good academic performance.
How to apply: Use form available at http://www.faeaindia.org.
Education Support: portal of scholarship by HRD ministry.
Foundation for Social Care
Director, Scholarship programme: Ziaur-Rahman Siddiqui
185/A Johari Farm, Jamia Nagar, New Delhi 110 025. Tel.: (011) 26317311; fsc_admin@rediffmail.com
fscscholarship@yahoo.co.in; www.fscwecare.org ;
GBK Charitable Trust
Scheme: Poor students studying MBBS, BDS, Pharmacy, BE, B. Tech, LLB, BCA, MCA, MBA, MA, M. Com, B. Ed, M. Ed, Ph. D (for research material), nursing, polytechnic, graduation, inter, TTC., ITI., Distance education, post graduation.
Eligibility: In the previous subjects must have at least 60% marks.
One person is eligible from family.
However for orphans two members can be apply.
The monthly income should not exceed by Rs. 4000.
Address: Giyasuddin babukhan, Chairman and Managing Trustee, GBK Charitable Trust, Begum pet, Hyderabad.
H. E. H. The Nizam Charitable Trust
Haveli Manjli Begum, Shah Ali Banda,Hyderabad-2
Hamdard Educational Society
(For Science At Secondary Level)
Talimabad, Sangam Vihar New Delhi 110062; Tel: (011) 6085063 - 6085064 Email: inquiry@jamiahamdard.edu
Hashmi Human Resources Development Society
Qazi Zada, Amroha - 244221 (U.P.) Tel: 05922-262417; Fax: 05922-250207
Email: info@hashmi.com; info@hashmitrust.com; Web: http://www.hashmitrust.com
Criteria / Condition: Economically weak & brilliant in studies
Scheme: Yearly
The award covers: Partial Academic expenses
Trust's President: Sakhira Begum
Contact Person: Hakeem Sirajuddin Hashmi
Human Welfare Trust
Dawat Nagar, Jamia Nagar, New Delhi 110025
Human Welfare Trust
195, A. F. Enclave, Jamia Nagar, Okhla, New Delhi- 110025
Phone: 6822199, email: sidheeqhassn@gmail.com
A limited number of loan scholarships are available for the poor and meritorious students pursuing higher studies for the under mentioned courses in Indian Universities:
1. MSW(Master of Social Work)
2. MA Sociology
3. MA Psychology
4. MA Economics
5. MCJ/MA/PG Diploma in Journalism and Mass Communication
6. LLM (Master in Law)
7. MA Public Administration
8. MA Rural Development
9. MA Education Management
10. MBA/MA Financial Management
11. MBA Rural Management
12. MBA/MA Hospital Administration
13. MA Human Rights
14. MA Peace and Conflict Resolution
15. MBA/MA Human Resource Management
16. MA/PG Diploma in Disaster Management
17. MBA/MA/PG Diploma in NGO Management
18. PG Diploma in Guidance and Counseling
19. PG Diploma in Rural Development
20. Diploma in Film Technology
21. PG Diploma in Development Communication
For details Contact:
Secretary, Human Welfare Trust
D-307, A. F. Enclave
Jamia Nagar, Okhla, New Delhi-110 025
Email: sidheeqhassan@gmail.com
Institute of Objective Studies
P.O. Box No.9725, 162-Joga Bai Extension, Jamia Nagar, New Delhi-110025, INDIA; Phone: 011-26981187, 26987467, 26989253, Fax: 91-11-26981104, manzoor@ndf.vsnl.net.in, http://www.iosworld.org/schol.htm
Students of jurisprudence and law
Scholarship in Social Sciences and Humanities (SSS)
Scholarship for Language Promotion (SLP)
Scholarship for Madrasa Students Opting Social Sciences and Humanities (SMS)
Schedule: The announcement for scholarship programme is generally made during the month of July and interviews of short listed candidates are conducted in November every year.
Islamic Development Bank [Jeddah, Saudi Arabia]
Daily Star, 103, St John's Church Road, Bangalore - 560005
Criteria: Merit-cum-means
Scheme: Islamic Development Bank grants scholarship for poor Muslim students of India seeking admission in degree courses of Medicine, Engineering (all branches), Agriculture, Fisheries, Forestry, food Tech. Business Administration and Accountancy, interest Free Loan Scholarship refundable in easy installments when employment starts.
For 3 yeears PhD in Science & Technology in IDB member countries. Contact:
Muslim Education Trust
E-3, Abul Fazal Enclave
Jamia Nagar, New Delhi-110 025
email: metdelhi@rediffmail.com
1, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi-110002; Ph. 23311455, 3317729
Criteria: Needy and meritorious students
Scheme: Mujahid Millat Educational Scholarship to meritorious students seeking admission to Engineering (civil, Elec., Electronics, Computer), M.C.A, Chartered Accountant.
Karnataka State Minorities Commission: for Karanataka residents
Scholarships given to students studying Technical or Professional courses at Undergraduate (BE, B.Tech, B.Arch, BTech (Agri), BSc (Agri), BVSc&AH, MBBS, BDS, BUMS, BAMS, BHMS, BNYS,) / Post graduate (ME, MTech, MD, MS, MDS, MCA, MBA, MSc (Agri), MVSc&AH ) in an recognized institution.
Maulana Azad Education Foundation
Social Justice Service Centre,
Mahila Imdad Committee,
Opposite New Delhi Railway Reservation Centre,
Chelmsford Road, New Delhi - 110055;
Phone/Fax: 011-23583788, 23583789
Application for Maulana Azad National Scholarship for Girls can be submitted in between 1st July to 30th September every year.
Educational Aid for the students above & below S.S.C.: It is a one time aid given to financially backward students based on their need.
High Cost Education Loan Scholarship (HCELS): HCELS provides interest free loan scholarships to eligible, financially deserving and meritorious students, who intend to take admission in the first year of the professional full time course or are already pursuing their studies in professional full time course
Admn.Office: 4, Sayeed House, 1st floor, 63/65, V. S. Marg, Mahim, Mumbai - 400 016; Tel 91 - 22 - 2445 5365 / 2444 4339 / 2444 8637; Fax 91 - 22 - 2444 0857; Email mescotrust@mescotrust.org
M.P. Backward and Minorities Welfare Department
Muslim Association for the Advancement of Science, The
Darul Fikr 44, Ahmad Nagar , Dodhpur Aligharh-202002;
Tel 0571 2701209
Muslim Educational Trust
E-3 Abul Fazl Enclave, Jamia Nagar, Okhla, New Delhi -110025
Criteria: Only students of U.P. , M.P., Rajasthan, Delhi, Punjab, Haryana, Bihar, Orissa, Assam, West Bengal and Western States
Scheme: Loan Scholarship for the professional courses in Medicine, Engineering, Business, Management, M.C.A., B.C.A. Chartered Accountancy and Cost Accountancy, Repayment of the loan shall be due and will commence after the students has completed his education and settled or after the expire of one year of completion of education/course, whichever is earlier.
Scholarship for Medical & Engineering courses, and PhD studies.
Muslim Hands
148-164 Gregory Boulevard, Nottingham NG7 5JE; United Kingdom; www.muslimhands.org; contact@muslimhands.org
Applications from overseas Muslim students to study in the UK are occasionally considered by the Trust. Please note that the Trust does not have a particular focus on this area of grant-making. Applications in writing to S Bashir at the address
Muslim India Education and Cultural Trust, The
Ehsan House Road 6B, Rajendar Nagar, Patna-800016 OR Mr Syed Shahabuddin, IPS (Retd) Ex MP (Trustee) D-250 Abul Fazl Enclave, Jamia Nagar, New Delhi - 110025; Tel: 26326780, Fax: 16327346; Email: muslim@del3.vsnl.net.in
Criteria : Means-cum-Merit
Scheme: Islamic Association of North America Offers means cum Merit Scholarship to Muslim students. Grant-in-aid for higher and professional courses, coaching for civil Services and admission to Medical/Engineering Colleges.
Muslim World League Secretariat General Education Affair
No. 40, P. O. Box 537, Makkah- Al-Mukarramah, KSA Tel: 5422733 Fax: 5436619/5444787
Criteria: Recommendation from either a person or an organization trusted by Rabita. Non-receipt of scholarship from any other institution
Scheme: Scholarship for B.Sc. Programme in Arabic or Islamic Course holding a general Secondary School Certificate or it's equivalent
National Minorities Development & Finance Corporation
1, Taimoor Nagar, Opp D996, New Friends Colony, New Delhi 110065; Tel: 011-26326051/57/58/59; Fax: 011-26325651; Website: nmdfc.org
Nakadar Foundation
Pir Bordi Chakla KADI 382715 Distt Mehsana, North Gujarat
Scheme: Every year Gold Medal is awarded to Muslim students of High School and Intermediate of each state who secure more than 75% marks. (Three top students from each state and the country.)
National Minorities Development & Finance Corporation
1, Taimoor Nagar, Opp D996, New Friends Colony, New Delhi 110065;
Tel: 011-26326051/57/58/59;
Fax: 011-26325651;
H. E. H. The Nizam Charitable Trust
Haveli Manjli Begum, Shah Ali Banda,
North South Foundation
Applications can be obtained by writing to:
Mr. S.Ramanathan,
#17, North St, Kalai Nagar
Madurai - 625014
Ph: 0452-2640678
E-Mail: ramrajam2002@yahoo.com
Scholarships are given by "NORTH SOUTH FOUNDATION" of USA, based on exam grades and family situation. The annual family income should be less than Rs 38000 in urban areas and Rs 26000 in rural areas. The scholarship amount mostly covers 100% of tuition fees and ranges from Rs 5000 to Rs 10000 per year.
If called for an interview, 50% of the travel cost will be reimbursed.
The North South Foundation provides scholarships to needy children who display academic excellence in India. The Foundation has distributed more than 2,000 scholarships to students who need financial support to pursue their quest for knowledge in engineering, medicine, polytechnic, science and other fields. The scholarship is an annual award and not a one-time payment. The student is eligible for the scholarship until graduation as long as the high academic standards are maintained.
Main office in India:
Mr Ch Hanumantha Rao,
204 Megha Apts, 2-1-253
Nallakunta, Hyderabad , AP 500 044
Phone: 40-2763-1963 (R)
Regional offices in the following cities: Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Bhavnagar, Bhubaneshwar, Chennai, Hyderabad, Jamshedpur, Jodhpur, Kanpur, Katihar, Kochi, Kolkata, Madurai, Mau, North East States (Assam), Pune, Trivandrum. Click here for individual centers contact addresses.
R D Sethna Scholarship Fund
29, H Somani Marg, Fort
Mumbai - 400001
Prerana(supported by Infosys foundation)
Bright students coming from poor financial background who have finished their 10th standard this year (April 2009) and scored more than 80%.
The NGO is conducting a written test and those who clear the test will be eligible for financial help for their further studies.
580, shubhakar, 44th cross,1st main Road,Jayanagar 7th block
Bangalore-mob no- 9900906338(saraswati)
Mr.Shivkumar( 9986630301) - Hanumanth Nagar office
Ms.Bindu (9964534667) -Yeshwantpur office
Punjab Wakf Board
50, Sardar Patel Marg, AMBALA
(Only For Students Of Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Chandigarh)
Rabitah Al-Alami Al-Islami
P.O. Box No. 537, Mekkah, Saudi Arabia
Tel: (966-2) 5422733 Fax: (966-2) 5446700
S H A Ziauddin Trust
P O Box 777 Guildford GU2 7GW, UK
Applications from anyone studying, or wishing to study, on courses in science, agriculture or environmental protection, and willing to use their skills for the benefit of the peoples of the Indian sub-continent (I.e. India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka) will be considered at all times of the year. Successful applicants will generally be sent an award of about £500. Please note that this Trust receives far more applications than it is able to support. Applicants should write for an application form to the contact, giving brief details about themselves, their course and their future plans. If appropriate, an application form and explanatory letter will be sent to them in response to which they can give further details. Contact: R B Viccajee, Secretary
Mr. M R Sherwani
12-A Connaught place New Deihi 110001
Criteria: On the basis of information furnished by the school/college (Only First Divisioners are expected to get the cash prize/award)
Scheme: Sherwani Award to outstanding students who have passed out High School/ Intermediate Examination of any board.
Students Islamic Trust (SIT)
Islamic Development Bank [Jeddah, Saudi Arabia] (IDB)
E-3 Abul Fazl Enclave, Jamia Nagar, New Delhi 110 025;
Tel. 2692 7004; Fax: 2328 2834;
E-mail: sitdelhi@rediffmail.com;
Website: http://www.sit-india.org
The Student Islamic Trust:
Scholarship for IIT JEE preparation for financially weak .
The whole Programme is divided into four phases; Each phase is followed by one week of preparatory leave for Phase Test. Any of the Phase Test may be considered as "Reshuffling Test", i.e. student's batch can be changed as per his/her performance in these tests to maintain the homogeneous level of competence among students. In this regard decision of concerned authorities will be final and binding.
The total fees of this course will be 55,000/- which will be paid by the Student Islamic Trust to the deserving candidates.
http://www.sit-india.org .
Mohd Saifullah Rizwan
Executive Secretary
011-26941028, 999063012
Ta'awun Trust
162, Jogabai Ext., Jamia Nagar, Okhla, New Delhi - 110025
Talent Promotion Taawun Trust
3, Palmgrove Road, Victoria Layout, Bangalore-56004
(Only For Students Of Karnataka)
Tamil Nadu Post Matric Scholarship to Minority Students Pursuing XI std. to Ph.D. Level
Commissioner of Minorities Welfare and Managing Director,
Tamil Nadu Minorities Economic
Development Corporation Ltd.,
Chennai - 600 002
U.P. Minorities Financial and Development Corporation Ltd.
746, 7th Floor, Jawahar Bhawan, Lucknow 226001 Or District Minorities Welfare
Officer of the concerned, District
Scheme: Interest Free Loan for talented and needy students of minorities seeking admission to Medical, Technical and Professional courses such as Management, Tourism etc.
# 16-11-17/B/2/2, Saleem Nagar, Malakpet, Hyderabad - 500 036.
Phones : 040-24545862,24557708,55106095, Fax: 24542215
(For students of Classes III,IV,V,VI,VII,VIII,IX,X,XI&XII(CBSE / ICSE/ all
State Board Syllabi) Unified Council is a well known scientific organisation managed by a team of professional. The main purpose of conducting the NSTSE - 2005 is to give STRONG FOUNDATION to the younger generation. In search of excellence, they offer fabulous 12 Personal Computers, 36 Gold Medals, 24 Scholarships, 84 Cash Prizes, 1884 Britannica Encyclopedia CD's, 175 BMA books & Consolation prizes A total of 1884 prizes for top rankers in this examination.
We also conduct NSSE in Indonesia, Tanzania, UAE,Saudi Arabia, Kuwait,Oman
& Yemen Student's Performance Report (SPR): We introduced this unique analysis report, first of its kind, which provides real feedback on learning. Question wise and Skill wise analysis will be provided.
For 10+1 & 10+2 students : This is an excellent similation test for students, who are preparing for IIT/AIEEE/All Engineering Entrance exams & AIIMS / JIPMER/AFMC/All Medical Entrance exams.
TEST CENTRES: Spread across the Nation over 200 centres. Exam fee : Rs.100/-
* For a free prospectus and application form send us a self addressed envelop (stamped Rs.5)
United Mass Media Association
161-F Joga Bai Extn. Jamia Nagar, New Delhi 110025
Criteria: Needy and meritorious students
Scheme: Few Scholarships of Rs 1000.00 per month to students of Journalism and Mass Communication
Waqf Women Foundation
No. 530, 5th Floor, M.S. Building, Vidhan Vidhi, Bangalore, Karnataka
Scheme: Scholarships for female Muslim students for medical courses (MBBS, BUMS), dental engineering and Ded (TCH).
West Bengal Minorities Development & Finance Corporation
POST MATRIC SCHOLARSHIP : WBMDFC has been notified as the implementing agency of the "Post Matric Scholership Scheme" by the Govt. of West Bengal. Application format and other scheme details can be downloaded from this link. Application duly filled in alongwith requisite documents should be submitted to:
the Managing Director,
West Bengal Minorities Dev. & Fin. Corporation,
Bhabani Bhavan (2nd Floor,W), Alipore, Kolkata-700 027
World Assembly Of Muslim Youth (WAMY)
P. O. Box No. 10845, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Tel: (966-1) 4641663/4641669 Fax: (966-1) 464171/4641676
Rameshwardasji Birla Smarak Kosh
Scholarships for postgraduate studies in medical or related fields from
Rameshwardasji Birla Smarak Kosh, Medical Research Centre, Hospital Avenue,
#It is not necessary that the following organizations/institutes offer coaching only to Muslim students.
In alphabetical order:
Alif Academy: Career guidance and counseling at the beginning of academic year. No coaching courses or regular classes.
Contact Person: (Haji) Husain Ali Dharamsi
Address: 53/ 3, Kantharia Mahal, LBS Marg, Kamani, Kurla (West), Mumbai 400070
Mob. (0) 989 210 8249; Email: husainali_dharamsi@yahoo.co.in
Coaching and Guidance Centre, AMU
Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Group A
1. Civil Services
2. P.C.S (U.P., M.P., Rajasthan)
3. Indian Engineering. Services
4. Indian Economic/Statistical Services
5. Indian Forest Services
6. Judicial Services Examination
7. Coaching for language improvement
Group B
1. SSC, Combined Graduate Level Examination,
2. Asstt. Commandants Central Police Organisation
3. Probationary Officer
4. Bank, L.I.C, G.I.C, Excise & Income Tax
5. Railways, U.P.S.C.(SCRAS)
6. Asstt. Grade- Asstt Grade Administrative Officers
7. NDA, Sub Inspector, Prelim Exam, C.D.S, S.I.S.
8. Combined Entrance Test ( M.B.A., M.l.B.M, M.F.C., M.T.A., M.S.W.)
Group C
1. B-Tech
2 . Pre- Medical Test Note:
1. Coaching Programme will be of three months.
2. Stipends available for selected students
3. Selection on merit plus personality test.
4. Application invited on prescribed form.
Crescent career Guidance and Coaching Centre
Seethakathi, Vandalur, Chennai - 600048
Phone: 044-22751155
Scheme: Free coaching and lodging for weaker sections, Particularly Muslims for IAS exam. Separate hostel for boys and girls.
Crescent Educational Foundation
B.61 C K Road, Chanpatana, Bangalore Dist.Karnataka, email : crescent@asia.com ; Tel ++91-80-7251143 / 54443; Mobile ++91-9844143530; PRO: Mr. Syed Ajmal
Criteria : Students from Muslim community (irrespective of any school of thought) but he/she must be from Chanpatana city only
Scheme: Coaching for Xth grade, guidance for professional courses.
Education and Career Guidance Center (ECGC)
Panoor, Pallana P.O. Alappuzha District
Kerala State PIN 690515
Chief Coordinator Mr. Abdul Khader (Basheer)
Tel. 0477-229-7614 (Home)
Organize career guidance programs for students starting from high school
level. A small library. CIGI (Career Information Guidance India) will help ECGC in this program by sending their resource persons for handling these sessions.
Hamdard Study Circle
Talimabad, Sangam Vihar, New Delhi 110062
Scheme: Coaching for Minorities Selection on the basis of examination and interview
India Islamic Cultural Centre
Started in 2008, the aim of this coaching programme is to provide all the facilities during the coaching period to the financially weak deserving candidates of minority community.
87 - 88, Lodhi Estate
New Delhi - 110 003 India
Ph: +91 11 43535353 - 57
Fax: +91 11 43535358
email: info@iiccentre.org
Larkspur House of Learning
(Peronalised Coaching Centre)
3/4, Berlie Street Cross, Langford town, Bangalore
Tel. 080-22727183, 9880711736
Momin' Students Welfare Trust
MSW Career Guidance & Information Center, # 157 / A, 4th Cross, Behind Naseem PolyClinic, Ilyasnagar, J.P. Nagar Post, Bangalore - 78; Email: msw_trust@yahoo.com, Mobile: 9845567687
Scheme: Conducts a series of free programs offering essential career guidance & in depth information on career for students in selecting their career. Workshops on career opportunities after SSLC / PUC & Counselling individual students. Guidance for students appearing for CET (Karnataka).
Noor Jahan Foundation, Hyderabad
Scheme: Coaching to minority students for the I.A.S., I.P.S., Group-1, Banks and Railways Examinations with free boarding and lodging to the poorest deserving students.
Periyar I.A.S. & I.P.S. Coaching Centre
Periyar Thidal Vepery, Chennai 600007
Scheme: Free coaching for minorities and socially and educationally backward classes
Upward Bound Program Coaching Centres
www.imef-ub.org imefna@yahoo.com
Centres: Patna (Bihar), Muzaffarpur (Bihar), Bharuch (Gajarat), Okhla (Delhi), Aligarh (U.P.)
Patna Muslim School UB Center (Patna, Bihar)
Dr. S.M. Nezami (Director of Program)
Tel: 0-612-2671104
Ayub Urdu Girls High UB School Center (Patna, Bihar)
Mrs.Rehana Ibrahim (Principal) Murshida Bano (Incharge UBP)
Tel: 0-612-2672804
Abdus Samad Girls School Center (Patna, Bihar)
Mr. Barkat Ali Khan & Mrs Rehana Khatoon (Incharge UBP)
Al-Hira School UB Center (Patna, Bihar)
Mohammed Anwar (Inchage UBP)
Tel: 0-612-2660644 (S) 0-612-2691898 ; 91-612-3091669 (F) 91-612-3115834 (M)
Muzaffarpur UB Center (Patna, Bihar)
Dr. Syed Nizamuddin (Director of Program) Janab Naqui Ahmad
Tel: 91-621-2284080
Bharuch UB Center (Gujrat)
Maulana Habibur Rahman Matadar & Dr. Ismail Adam Patel (Director of Program)
Tel: 91-2642-2266518; 91-2642-2242122
Aligarh UB Center (U.P)
Mr. Amanullah Khan (Director of Program)
Tel: 91-571-2703865; 91-571-2706235
Delhi UB Center
Dr. Zafar Mahmood (Director of Program)
Tel: 91-11-26827128; 91-11-26327031
Anjuman Farz-e-Momir
540, Sufi Tola, Masjid Kale Khan, Old City, Bareilly-43005
Scheme: Farz-e-Momin Award to all students of U.P securing lst Division in High School and Intermediate Examination.
Aqsa Educational & Charitable Trust
Vinobhangar, Tumkur - 572101, Karnataka
Tel. 0816-2211457, 2275786 Email: fida@vsnl.com
Scheme: Conducts Islamic open course Examination and distributes awards to toppers

Asia Fellows Awards

Asia Fellows Awards now open for applications
The Asian Scholarship Foundation, funded by the Ford Foundation, is now accepting applications for the ASIA (Asian Studies in Asia) Fellows Awards. The six- or nine-month fellowships are open to scholars and professionals not more than 45 years old and who have master's degrees or equivalent professional training or experience. English proficiency or in the language of the host country appropriate to the proposed research project is a must.
Application forms are available at www.asianscholarship.org or via email at
info@asianscholarship.org or fax at 02 655 7977.
Deadline for applications is January 12, 2007.
For Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Pakistan, the Republic of Maldives,
Sri Lanka, send to:
ASIA Fellows Awardsc/o University of Pennsylvania Institute for the Advanced
Study of India (UPIASI)
India Habitat Centre
(Core 5A, 1st Floor)
Lodi Road, New Delhi 110003,
Tel: (91-11) 2460-4126/7
Fax: (91-11) 2460-4126
E-mail: upiasi@del2.vsnl.net.in
The Asian Scholarship Foundation (ASF) is funded by a grant from the Ford Foundation. Its office in Bangkok administers the ASIA Fellows Awards in the region with assistance from partner offices in Beijing, New Delhi, Manila, Hanoi, and Jakarta.
The ASF Board Management Committee is composed of twelve educational and public leaders from the People's Republic of China, South and Southeast Asia, and Australia. The Board Management Committee selects the fellows, oversees the program and makes policy decisions.
Goals and Objectives
The principal goal of the ASIA Fellows Awards is to increase the overall awareness of intellectual resources in the countries of Northeast, South and Southeast Asia and to contribute to the growth of long-range capabilities for cross-regional knowledge sharing. The ASIA Fellows Awards seek to develop regional expertise, establish a multilateral network of Asian specialists from many disciplines, professional fields and countries, stimulate interdisciplinary research and inter-societal comparison, and contribute to new developments within existing area studies communities. The awards offer opportunities for outstanding young and mid-career Asian scholars, and professionals to gain knowledge of the countries in the region and an understanding of the contexts that shape global and regional issues through research. They enable the awardees to conduct research in a participating Asian country for six to nine months.
Citizens of and residents in Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei, Cambodia, the People's Republic of China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Laos, Malaysia, the Republic of Maldives, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, the Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, and Vietnam.
Master's/Doctoral degree or equivalent professional training and experiences (minimum of 3 years of university teaching experiences for scholars or 5 years of work experience for professionals.)
Applicants must be 45 years old or younger at the time of the application deadline. However, those up to 50 years old proposing to do research in the field of Humanities may be given special consideration.
Proficiency in English or in the language of the host country appropriate to the proposed research project.
Those who are currently enrolled in a degree program, or have just completed a degree program for less than one to two years will not be eligible to apply. Those who were a recipient of a Ford Foundation fellowship grant within the last two years prior to the application is also ineligible.
conditions of the awards
The proposed research projects for the ASIA Fellows Awards can be carried out in only one participating country (except the applicant's own) and under the following conditions:
No applicant can propose to conduct their research in Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, South Korea and Taiwan.
Applicants from Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Singapore cannot undertake research in each other's countries.
Applicants from Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan can only apply to conduct their research in Thailand, the host country of ASF.
Any part of the proposed project that will be done in the applicant's own country will not be funded under the ASIA Fellows Awards.
The proposed grant period must be between 6-9 months. Once awarded, a fellow is required to conduct research at the proposed host country throughout the grant period. Splitting of the grant period or conducting research in the applicant's own country during the proposed grant period is not allowed under any circumstances.
While an applicant from South or Southeast Asia may propose a research project in a country within his/her own region, preference is given to applicants who propose to conduct research in a region of Asia other than their own (e.g., an award to an Indian scholar or professional for research in China).
Applicants should not plan to conduct their research in a country with which their home country has a difficult diplomatic relationship because of the uncertainties of securing an affiliation and obtaining a research clearance and visa for a long-term stay.
Fellowship awards are not for the purpose of completing requirements towards an academic degree (master's thesis or doctoral dissertations).
Fellowship Activities
ASIA Fellows awardees are placed at top-ranking research universities and non-academic institutions such as museums, archives or think tanks. Fellows should identify preferred placements in host countries. They may engage in an organized field research in the host country. Fellows are strongly encouraged to undertake some language training in their host country as part of facilitating their research. They are also provided the opportunities to present guest lectures, or to conduct seminars and workshops at the invitation of the host institutions. After completion of their fellowship, fellows can apply for post-fellowship awards of three months to further their research in a country within Asia, or for short-term travel awards to make presentations at overseas conferences and meetings. All fellows are required to attend the Orientation Program in July 2007, and the ASIA Fellows' Annual Conference in July 2009 at which they present their research results to fellow awardees and to scholars from the country in which the conference is held. They are also required to start the award by the end of December 2007. At the end of the fellowship, fellows must submit to the ASF office in Bangkok evidence of the results of their research project in the form of publications, photos of artistic works, audio/ video productions, etc.


Our goal is to seek the pleasure of Allah (swt) through the struggle of Iqamat-ud-Deen (establishment of the Islamic system of life) as spelled out in the Qur'an and the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).
Narrated Anas (r.a.):
Allah's Apostle (s.a.w.s.) said, "Whoever possesses the (following)three qualities will have the sweetness of faith (1): The one to whom Allah and His Apostle becomes dearer than anything else; (2) Who loves a person and he loves him only for Allah's Sake; (3) who hates to revert to atheism (disbelief) as he hates to be thrown into the Fire."
(Bukhari & Muslim)